Warren King Warren King

Called Out

If you’ve ever been called out by someone, you know the nervous “pit in your stomach” feeling it induces. During my school years, I would get called out for causing trouble with my friends or sneakily using my phone during class…

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Warren King Warren King

Desperate Prayers

Prayer is this remarkable thing – a miracle that goes beyond simple communication…

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Warren King Warren King

Entered Into The Moment

Losing someone you love and care about is one of the most challenging experiences we will face. Whether it is a family member, a friend, or even a stranger who passes away, we all feel the weight when life is lost. What gives us hope is that Jesus was more than willing to enter into the pain of humanity…

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Warren King Warren King

Bring Them Here

Five loaves of bread and two fish are not very much food. That is the premise of this story. But if I had this much food before me, I could share it with a few friends; it’s more than I would need for just myself for a meal. How drastically different would this story be if I took it into my control to just share my five loaves of bread and two fish with a few people in my circle and let the story end there…

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Warren King Warren King

Go Home

The last time we saw Jesus, He comforted His disciples, who were both fearful and seasick. The unsettledness of the seas echoed what was taking place inside their hearts. Jesus commanded the waves to lessen and the lighting and thunder ceased…

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Warren King Warren King

Driving Fear

Amid the uncertainty, we often second guess and doubt God has our best interest at heart. Just like the disciples caught in the storm, we picture an indifferent God. We reason He has little concern for the circumstances we face. Worry forces us to drift towards questioning God and wondering if He cares…

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Warren King Warren King

Spoken For

John the Baptist was given the honor of baptizing Jesus. Stop for a moment and imagine what that experience must have been like for him. Most people would use that as leverage for any conversation, but not John…

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Warren King Warren King

Speaking Volumes

God, will you speak to me? Lord, why are you so silent...why can't I hear your voice? 

Raise your hand if you've ever cried out in a moment of desperation and asked those questions…

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Warren King Warren King

At What Cost

Everything in life has turned into a competition. The activities I remember as a kid have become game shows, or now have trophies if you can do it better than everyone else. Even churches and faith have become a place of competition…

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Warren King Warren King

A Personal Call

Our character is the most powerful currency we have to influence others. The fuel to love the difficult people in our lives comes from knowing we have been trusted with the integrity of His image and influence of His love…

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Warren King Warren King


With my wife working as a night nurse on the COVID floor of our local hospital, for me, social distancing began earlier than most. For what seemed like an eternity, my dining room table served as my makeshift office, which I shared with my two daughters, who were also distance learning…

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Warren King Warren King

Are We There Yet

I love road trips. They are not for everyone. The wear and tear of being in a car can be exhausting, but I am all for it. I have playlists for every occasion. I sing loud and animated the entire time. I love to go inside gas stations like I have all the money in the world and buy junk to get me to my destination…

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Warren King Warren King

Babysitting Boss

I was the babysitting queen of our neighborhood when I was a teenager. About a dozen families hired me regularly. Most of the kids I sat for had no issues listening when I asked them to eat their dinner or clean up their toys. However, there was one little girl who did not like being told it was time for bed…

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Warren King Warren King

Prepare Your Mind

Letting our minds wander causes us to go down trails of thoughts we never intended to tread on. When our thoughts run free, we make ourselves vulnerable. Proverbs 25:28 says that a person without self-control is as defenseless as a city with broken-down walls. Each of us must have a way of dealing with the world when it doesn't make sense…

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Warren King Warren King

Steady Feet

A few years back, I attempted to teach my daughter how to swim. Like most kids, she loved being in the water, but only when dad was around. As long as she knew I had a hold of her, she was in heaven. However, if I attempted to let go, my daughter would flip out. She'd apply a death grip, tears would start flowing, and she'd scream at the top of her lungs…

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Warren King Warren King

Changing Colors

When I first moved to Wilmington, finding a job proved to be a challenging task. Thanks to my extensive employment search, I became a skilled interviewer; I've heard all the questions an employer could pose to a potential candidate…

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Warren King Warren King

What Our Life Reflects

Over the centuries, people have used the Bible to justify many harmful and hurtful practices. These “leaders” abuse the authority given to them to act however they want. A loose handling of a book built on reconciliation and unity creates a deeper divide…

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Warren King Warren King

Significant Problems, Significant People

Division and discord seem like apt descriptions for the world we live in right now. Name an issue and almost instantly fights, quarrels and arguments break out. An "US vs. THEM" mentality has taken over our culture. To get everyone to agree on just a single point feels like an impossible task…

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Warren King Warren King

You’re A Leader

When discussing the topic of influence, the focus often remains on sharpening our leadership skills. Without even knowing it, this mindset places us on shaky ground…

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