Become A Part Of Our Prayer Team
We care for each other by praying for each other. If you interested in becoming a part of our Prayer Team sign up at the link below.
Praying Together
We see in the Gospels that Jesus went away often to pray. Then he taught us how to pray. Apart from him, we can do nothing. With him all things are possible.
So we pray. Together. Join us in praying:
That our entire lives will be rooted in worship of God
That our work will bring glory to our Father in heaven
For those among us who struggle with health, difficult relationships, finances, grief, addiction, disappointment, hopelessness, sin, and so many other challenges
For health in our nation and local communities: churches, families, schools, businesses, Government, the Arts, the Media, race relations, and social equity
For our local community partners
For our field partners around the world
That each of us, and all of us together, will grow in stability, gratitude, and generosity
Praying The Lord’s Prayer
Download a digital copy of The Lord’s Prayer to take with you!