What Our Life Reflects
“For there are many who are insubordinate, empty talkers and deceivers, especially those of the circumcision party. They must be silenced, since they are upsetting whole families by teaching for shameful gain what they ought not to teach… To the pure, all things are pure, but to the defiled and unbelieving, nothing is pure; but both their minds and their consciences are defiled. They profess to know God, but they deny him by their works. They are detestable, disobedient, unfit for any good work.” Titus 1:10, 15-16
Over the centuries, people have used the Bible to justify many harmful and hurtful practices. These “leaders” abuse the authority given to them to act however they want. A loose handling of a book built on reconciliation and unity creates a deeper divide. They cherry-pick a few verses out of context and try to manipulate and twist them to fit their agenda, shame others, or push for power.
Rather than using the power of Scripture to free others, they handle it like a weapon to heap on guilt, wound the hurting, and hold others down, all the while claiming to be on God’s side. The Pharisees didn’t disappear after Jesus; they still walk among us and, on occasion, if we’re not careful, we can be guilty of acting like one.
These individuals cause the outside world to be appalled by the Church and miss the beauty of God’s grace and love. Because of this, countless people walk away from faith or never consider it in the first place. This should absolutely shatter our hearts. When we read the Bible, one of the clearest images we see is of a Father dying to get back with His children. In fact, a Father that would provide Himself as a sacrifice to make that redemption and reconciliation a reality. When the entire context of the Bible is considered, one point is evident: God so loved that He gave.
We all can say we know God, but the evidence will be what our life reflects. We have the opportunity to reflect the Jesus the world needs to see. Not the one we create to lord over others. Jesus was the Word, meaning that if the way we read and live the Bible does not look like Jesus, we are too busy looking at words rather Jesus.
We can be healed and freed from misconceptions, traditions, and past teachings. We can come to our Father with open hands and ask Him to let us see more clearly His heart. As we see His heart, our heart changes. When our heart changes, so do our thoughts, deeds, attitudes, and words. We begin to see God’s Word truly come alive because we are looking for Jesus. We are reminded over and over that God so loved the world.
What does it look like to use Jesus as the lens we use to view, understand, and apply Scripture?
Father, as I read the Bible, I pray that above all else I would see You. Help me to lay down every misconception and tradition that I have clung to, and let my intimacy with You lead me and my heart. Let Your words shape me into a reflection of You. Thank You for being my Father who loves me so perfectly and completely. I ask all of this in Your holy name, Amen.
Port City writer Davy Nance wrote today’s devotional.