Warren King Warren King

Bit By Bit

Have you ever read a sentence that is wordy and overwhelming? Well, today’s verse is actually one entire sentence full of intense words and phrases. Typically, sentences like this rack my brain, so in order to better understand it, I break it down from comma to comma…

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Warren King Warren King

Intentional Encounters

In the midst of the hurry, we miss teachable moments of growth. We run at a breakneck speed in hopes of manufacturing maturity through our strength and effort. The pace many of us are going at is not sustainable. But, the need for solitude speaks to something more profound…

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Warren King Warren King

Rise And Shine

Despite what the non-morning people might believe, 5:00 am is better than 5:00 pm. I do not say this to spark controversy; it is just a personal preference. On the other hand, my wife Denise plays for the other team, which required us to establish morning rules in our family…

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Warren King Warren King

Our Great Source

I grew up around cars. My dad works for Bob King as a part-time salesman. So, when I was younger, he was always showing me cool mechanical tricks and cars we could not afford. That was so many years ago, and I do not think anyone can truly believe how far automobiles have come…

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Warren King Warren King

That’s MINE!

Since they were young, my wife and I have worked diligently to instill a generous spirit in our girls. Now, teenagers, we see our investment pay off as both have a heart for the needs of others. However, this hasn't always been the case…

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Warren King Warren King

Two Broken Pieces

Having a birthday in late November, I have a love-hate relationship with decorating for Christmas. We wait until after November 28th to put up our decorations, and we take them down by January 1st to start the new year with a clean and organized house…

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Warren King Warren King

Start With Love

Even though many of us want to impact this world, we tend to struggle when it comes to pinpointing the gifts and resources we have at our disposal. After all, our own worst critic tends to be ourselves…

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Warren King Warren King

Thoughtful Interactions

I have only gotten into one fight my entire life. Now, if you know me, you understand how bizarre this statement is, but it is true! I was 8 years old, at a youth camp, and it was over a basketball…

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Warren King Warren King

Twists And Turns

Being outnumbered by women in my household means I watch a lot of HGTV. Don't let them know this, but I secretly enjoy watching all those home renovation shows, especially ones that have "tiny" somewhere in their title…

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Warren King Warren King

Consider It

In those moments of weakness, we've all wondered if change is indeed possible. Can something awkward ever become a normal reaction? 

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Warren King Warren King

Take The Bait

An outdoorsman, I am not. Growing up in the suburbs didn't afford me many opportunities to enjoy the great outdoors. I have gone fishing exactly once in my entire life, and it was an utter disaster…

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Warren King Warren King

Not Your Thoughts

Doubt. Questions. Hang-ups. Concerns. Hesitation.

Often these feelings and emotions are looked down upon in the “Church” world. Rock-solid believers don’t have questions, and they never waver in their faith, or at least that’s what we assume. ..

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Warren King Warren King

Avenue Of Peace

I feel as though this season has been slowly chipping away at my energy. Every day seems to introduce something else that wears away at our joy. Our world is in chaos with COVID, civil unrest, economic uncertainty, people fighting for justice, and don't forget it's an election year to boot. ..

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Warren King Warren King

A Recipe For Disaster

I remember my first day of 6th grade at Trask Middle School here in Wilmington, NC. I was late for my first class, I had no idea what I was doing or where I was going, and my biggest fear was being embarrassed in front of all my friends because I didn’t know how to use the combination lock on my locker…

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Warren King Warren King

The Shallow End

One can have all the answers, yet still not be free. "Going deeper" is dangerous waters when one finds themselves drowning in the shallow end of faith not lived out…

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Warren King Warren King

The Perfect Spot

Growing up, one of my favorite games to play was Hide and Seek. It started when I was a toddler attempting to hide from dad. As he would begin to count, I'd giggle and try to find a place to hide, typically ending up underneath a blanket, inside a closet, or behind a sofa (with my feet hanging out)…

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Warren King Warren King

Robbing Your Present

I want to grow in the ability to be fully present in each moment I experience. Whoever is with me, or whatever I am involved in, I want to be completely focused. The pursuit of this skill is challenging because of the worries of another reality: namely, tomorrow…

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Warren King Warren King

Giant Slayer

Being short, scrawny, and sarcastic made me an easy target for bullies in high school. My mouth attempted to write checks my small frame couldn't cash. Sometimes I went looking for trouble; more often than not, trouble found me…

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Warren King Warren King

Telling A Great Story

When we let comfort and convenience overpower our willingness to step into the unknown, we choose to sit on the sidelines. If our eyes focus solely on whether our tiny, individual kingdom is comfortable, we will miss out on opportunities to be used by God. There is an incredible cost associated with making this decision…

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Warren King Warren King

Peace Is A Process

I once saw a funny meme running in conjunction with a Miss America pageant. It was the scene where Oprah is giving away free cars, you know the one, “You get a car, you get a car, you get a car…,” but instead of giving away cars Oprah was giving away world peace, “world peace for you, world peace for you, world peace for you…” 

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