Warren King Warren King

A Sustaining Force

When we quit trusting God cares, provides for us, and loves us unconditionally, we quit obeying. And when we dig in our heels, we stop believing that God has a grander purpose for the struggles we face. We don't tend to drift due to theological reasons or holes in our belief system…

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Warren King Warren King

Yesterday, Today, & Forever

It’s human nature to crave consistency. We wish life would have a rhythm and flow and not be interrupted by unforeseen events. We crave to know what lies ahead of us so we can adapt and be ready to respond. Yet, in my 27 years of life, the one consistent thing I have found is inconsistency…

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Warren King Warren King


I, like so many of us, have struggled over these last few months of quarantine. Living as an immunocompromised person in this season has been eye-opening. There are so many opinions, tensions, and conflicts that the world is just begging us to step into right now. It’s challenging to know what the right thing to do is. It is even, at times, overwhelming…

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Warren King Warren King

Nowhere Else To Turn

The Bible is filled with hard truths and commands that go against our natural tendencies. We are told to forgive our enemies, not worry about tomorrow, and control our tongue. We desire security and stability yet, in Scripture we are commanded to walk by faith…

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Warren King Warren King

Who Can Say?

Rhetorical questions have their advantages, but my experiences with them doesn’t feel good. When I would break something in the house growing up, and of course my parents knew, they would still come to me and ask, “I wonder who broke that?” It seemed like a test to see if I would tell the truth and own up to my mistake. But, when used correctly, rhetorical questions can help us wrestle with important questions…

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Warren King Warren King

Open Minded

I was in a yoga class a couple of months ago. Before we started, I was telling the lady next to me that I enjoyed the exercise, but as a Christian, I don’t subscribe to the new-age beliefs that the teacher shares during class…

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Warren King Warren King

Hot Fries

When was the first time you disregarded your parent’s advice? I clearly remember mine; it involved an appetizing plate of steaming hot fries. I was only four years old so when I was told not to touch them, I scoffed and dove right in. Sure enough, I snatched my hand back and began to cry at the pain coming from the burn…

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Warren King Warren King

Tell Me A Story

Kids are naturally curious, which means they ask a lot of questions, and I mean, A LOT. When my two girls were toddlers, I regularly found myself on the other end of their constant, never-ending barrage of questions. Some were funny, others were random, and then some halted me in my tracks with their profoundness…

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Warren King Warren King

Heard Their Outcry

Nehemiah was frustrated at what he had to witness - one of the most toxic attributes that humanity can practice: oppression. Unfortunately, this unsightly trait is ingrained in us due to the brokenness our sin created. We show partiality every single day with our sports teams, political parties, the Scriptures we follow and obey, and the most unfortunate of all, with humanity…

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Warren King Warren King

Cloud Your View

On my way to an appointment, the heavens opened up, and a torrential downpour ensued. Gripping the steering wheel in utter fear, I attempted to navigate my way through the monsoon. As the rain came down in sheets, I flipped on my windshield wipers in hopes of achieving at least some visibility…

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Warren King Warren King

Bankrupt Words

When we see the challenging issues of the world, the solutions to the problems seem obvious. People who are hungry need food. Families without a home need a roof over their heads. Racism could be solved by all of us becoming color blind. If only the “haves” would be more compassionate to the “have nots,” then all that is wrong with the world would be instantly fixed…

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Warren King Warren King

Whatever You Do

You don't need to trust anyone if you think you have everything under control. But, here's the thing about control - it's an illusion at best. The only predictable thing about living in this world is its unpredictability…

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Warren King Warren King

Your Part

Living in exile within a foreign country, Nehemiah received the devastating news that his homeland was in disrepair. Hearing that the walls of Jerusalem were broken broke Nehemiah's heart, but he didn't ignore the pain or try to fix the problem…

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Warren King Warren King

For Your City

One of my favorite parts of this life is our ability to be in a relationship with others. Being designed for relationships is not just a spiritual thing; it is part of our humanity. Even the scientific world encourages us to partake in relationships because of the vast benefits it can have in our lives…

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Warren King Warren King

A Surprise Weapon

"Guys.... he's not moving!" Panic set in as we surrounded our lifeless friend. Each one of us dropped our pillows, realizing we were in trouble. Eventually, Andrew began to groan and roll around, and we all breathed a sigh of relief, but then someone asked the question everyone was thinking: How were we going to explain Andrew's concussion to our youth pastor? It's not every day someone is knocked out cold from a simple pillow fight at summer camp…

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Warren King Warren King

Alternative Facts

From the nightly news to social media sites, people are going on about alternative facts, fake news, inherent bias, and debunked hoaxes. Many of us are drowning as we attempt to wade through the sea of misinformation. The chaos taking place in our broken world mimics the turmoil taking place in our hearts and souls…

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Warren King Warren King

Feeling Something Deeply

The Bible is not an ancient text detached from our current reality. It tells God's incredible story of redemption, rescue, and restoration through Jesus Christ - and therefore, it is so incredibly relevant, helpful, and challenging to us in the world we live in today…

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Warren King Warren King

What Not To Wear

One of my all-time favorite TV shows is “What Not to Wear,” a TLC program that aired from 2003 to 2013. Each episode features someone in desperate need of a style makeover. For example, there’s the middle-aged IT professional who dresses like a skater chick…

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Warren King Warren King

Crab Cakes

Philadelphia and cheesesteaks. Seattle and Starbucks. New Orleans and Po'Boys. Chicago and deep-dish pizza. Baltimore and crab cakes…

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Warren King Warren King

Looking Different

"Where are you, HEART!?!" I quickly realized how loud I expressed my frustration as soon as I looked up and saw everyone in the lobby staring back at me. While waiting for my daughter to finish her doctor's appointment, I picked up a Highlights magazine and went to work locating the lost objects on the Hidden Pictures page…

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