Yesterday, Today, & Forever
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. Hebrews 13:8
It’s human nature to crave consistency. We wish life would have a rhythm and flow and not be interrupted by unforeseen events. We crave to know what lies ahead of us so we can adapt and be ready to respond. Yet, in my 27 years of life, the one consistent thing I have found is inconsistency.
Everything in this world happens in this sort of organized chaos way. There is not a single full-proof plan that can get you through each and every day. Whether it is my 5-year plan, Denise and I trying to buy a house, getting ready for our first baby in December, or even making plans for the weekend, there is no guarantee what life will look like down the road. We all get hit with surprises that disrupt the consistency that remains just out of our reach.
So, how do we wrestle with inconsistency? How do we get to a place where inconsistencies do not wear us down to a place where frustration, defeat, anger, and hopelessness take root? The only way to deal with inconsistency is to rest in the only One who is consistent – Jesus.
You and I are molded and shaped by the events we encounter. When life hits us with a curveball, we get thrown off. We might act differently around our friends than we do with our family. We are disjointed people residing in an inconsistent world. But Jesus, Jesus is consistent. Who He is does not change as a result of anything or anyone. Jesus wasn’t changed by the good, bad, and tough moments of His life. His words and actions remained the same.
Jesus was/is/will always be consistent. Those of us who crave consistency know we can find it in our relationship with Jesus. Nothing can influence the security of that relationship. Our bad days do not make Jesus love us less, our good days do not make Jesus love us more; the love Jesus has for us is perfect and complete. His love is constant through every moment and season.
When we cling to this reality, we view the winding road of life, with all of its twists and turns, differently. We learn to trust Jesus because His consistency provides a secure foundation so we have sure footing. Jesus walks with us as a reminder of His intimate presence with us, and as a reminder that He has us.
You will inevitably face inconsistency and the temptation will be for you to throw up your hands and feel defeated, but Jesus wants you to cling to Him. No matter how wild and chaotic things might be, they are still underneath the constant authority of Jesus.
What is your response to the inconsistency of life?
How can you bring those moments of inconsistency to Jesus in surrender?
Father, thank you for being the One who controls the world. Life has a way of wearing me out and overwhelming me with surprises. Yet, not once have You been surprised or caught off guard. With Your power and authority, You walk with me through each inconsistency to remind me of Your goodness and presence. Help me to surrender my ways to You. I love You Father, and pray all of this in Your holy name, Amen.
Port City writer Davy Nance wrote today’s devotional.