Warren King Warren King

The Way of Humility

We all feel tension as we wrestle with pride and humility. For the most part, I do a decent job of keeping my struggle hidden from the public eye but make no mistake, pride is there. The temptation of pride can appear in the smallest of areas. From time to time, I try to convince myself that I deserve recognition, praise, and acknowledgment…

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Warren King Warren King

My Emergency Pair

I'm a bit absent-minded. I lose things frequently, most often my car keys and sandals. The other day it was my glasses, which is a big problem because I'm blind without them. After a good half hour of searching, I gave up and threw on my "emergency" pair…

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Warren King Warren King

The Last Dance

Like most kids who grew up in the '90s, I worshipped Michael Jordan. As a devotional writer, I know it's a bit sacrilegious to make a statement like that, but it's indeed true. I drank Gatorade because of Mike. I only wore Nike's because of Mike. Every time I drove to the lane playing basketball, you guessed it, I stuck out my tongue because of Mike…

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Warren King Warren King

Bad Roots, Bad Fruit

I grew up in the nice and quiet town of Burgaw. To give it an extra small-town feel, I technically grew up in Saint Helena on a farm, which means I possess a ton of nerdy information about plants. We had a full garden with plenty of vegetables and even some wildlife. At our farm’s peak there were two lines of trees that made our front yard seem like the location of a cheesy Hallmark movie.

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Warren King Warren King

Welcomed To The Table

When I was in high school, I went on a cross-cultural trip to Germany. I stayed with a local family while sightseeing and immersing myself in the culture. Unfortunately, I utilized German class for my afternoon nap, so I couldn't speak, read or understand the language…

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Warren King Warren King

Waves Of Water

A rush of ankle-deep water almost knocked me off my feet as I opened the coat closet. Our house once again decided to show its age as our rusted out water heater finally called it quits. Waves of water continued to pour out…

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Warren King Warren King

Come And See

When it comes to difficult tasks, building a house with a deck of cards ranks pretty high. Hours of delicate and precise work put into something that topples over by a simple breeze; talk about building a poor foundation…

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Warren King Warren King

Rowing Crew

Have you ever watched the boat-racing sport of rowing crew? This team of eight operates as a unit moving together for balance and speed. Though working together as one, each member has an important and slightly different role to play…

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Warren King Warren King

Choose Me

I wasn’t brave enough to try out for the cheerleading team in high school. But I did muster the courage to try out for the drill team. Even though the drill team felt more achievable, when I actually made the team, I was shocked. Plenty of girls auditioned and I was one of the 18 they picked…

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Warren King Warren King

Paralyzed By Purpose

In a culture littered with dishonesty, hype, and confusion, people are crying out for leadership they can trust. They are looking for people who walk with integrity and embody the message they proclaim. Without trust being present in our relationships, influence, and impact are incapable of taking root…

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Warren King Warren King

Treehouse Treasure

When we were kids, my brother and I were not the best at sharing. He was older and set in his ways and I was the younger, annoying sister. However, we did share a treehouse and wanted it to be the coolest in the neighborhood. In order to add some necessary upgrades, we needed to team up and work together. We raided our toy boxes, gathered leftover candy, and set up shop. Homemade signs that read, Toy/Candy Sale Today at 1:00 flanked the street…

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Warren King Warren King

Associated With Hope

I have a coffee shop for all sorts of occasions! I have one for writing, one for actually needing to get work done, and a couple just for social interactions. One reason I love coffee shops is that when I leave, I carry that pleasing scent with me. I can recall countless times where I would have dinner with people after spending the day at a coffee shop, and they immediately knew where I had been…

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Warren King Warren King

Party Starters

If life were like a party, many of us would be guilty of orchestrating an elaborate shindig where we are the guest of honor, and all the festivities are about us. Our parties (and lives) tend to celebrate our achievements and accomplishments where we make much about ourselves. Very few people tend to come to these types of parties because frankly, they aren't much fun.

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Warren King Warren King

Aunt Dotty

Very few people had more of an impact on my childhood than my Great Aunt Dotty. Her kind and compassionate heart were second to none. As soon I'd get off the school bus, I'd head to the living room where Dotty was inevitably sitting in her recliner watching Days of Our Lives. She'd smile and inquire about my day, give me advice, and encourage me when I was down…

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Warren King Warren King

Remain Faithful

A few years back, God laid a vision on my heart. I was so excited and couldn’t wait for this dream to become a reality. I began to pray for God to show me signs and open doors. As I listened for His guidance, I felt like He was telling me to stay right where I was. What are You doing, God? Did I hear you wrong? In this time of waiting, I had two options: I could check out due to frustration or remain faithful and lean in…

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Warren King Warren King

Rose Colored Glasses

When I was a teenager, I had a pair of sunglasses with gold metal frames and pale-pink lenses. I felt like Farrah Fawcett when I wore them. (You should’ve seen my feathered hair.) Not only did these shades make me feel glamorous, they made the whole world look glowy, like every moment was the magic hour before sunset…

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Warren King Warren King

A Quiet Life

Commencement season might look a little different this year, but the speeches, whether done virtually or in person, will remain much the same. Politicians, titans of industry, or celebrities will take the stage to inspire and motivate. As the graduating students head out to the "real" world, they will hear similar messages: tips to success, setting high expectations, persistence, taking responsibility, setting goals, determination…

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Warren King Warren King

A Supporting Role

I was filled with excitement and nerves. I was finally getting the chance to preach my first sermon. I grinned as I was introduced with talk of how great of a young man I am. I stepped up to the pulpit and I basked in my first step into the spotlight…

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Warren King Warren King

Process Over Progress

My first phone call today was from a dear friend with some great news. Over the last three years, he has been through some really tough times, one of which has been a 3-year battle with a potentially life-threatening illness. Today he called me with tears of joy and said…

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Warren King Warren King

Out Of Order

For our first Christmas as a married couple, my wife and I purchased furniture from IKEA. The smell of Swedish meatballs and cinnamon buns wafting through the store made us feel like we could build anything. Being newlyweds, we were starting with a blank slate and a new home…

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