Paralyzed By Purpose
Now that you have purified yourselves by obeying the truth so that you have sincere love for each other, love one another deeply, from the heart. 1 Peter 1:22
As a prisoner for the Lord, then, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received. Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Ephesians 4:1-2
In a culture littered with dishonesty, hype, and confusion, people are crying out for leadership they can trust. They are looking for people who walk with integrity and embody the message they proclaim. Without trust being present in our relationships, influence, and impact are incapable of taking root.
People hesitate to respond after trust erodes. Instead, they begin to calculate the walls they need to erect and the boundaries they need to set regarding connection. People long to trust, but, living in a broken world, their default is to hesitate and withhold. They silently wonder the other person’s motives and whether they practice what they preach. They halt in their tracks, unwilling to follow someone they don’t trust. Distance and disconnection define the relationship.
With this being the case, there has never been a more significant opportunity to make an impact in this world and fill the void of humble, selfless, and outward focused leadership. We leverage the influence we’ve been given by serving others rather than trying to make a name for ourselves. We consider those around us before ourselves. We pay attention to the needs that present themselves and respond with love. Love is merely looking out for the good of another.
We do this not to please others or for them to think well of us. Our motives aren’t for applause, power, recognition, or fame. What drives our words and actions is the hope that people would see Christ in us and look toward the love of their Savior. Everything we do needs to bring His image to bear on the world around us. Our lives should look like Jesus, who laid His life down so we could experience a full life and never feel the sting of death.
The only way this is possible is abiding in Christ and staying connected to Him. His love fuels our love for every person that crosses our path. Knowing we are loved entirely by Him enables us not to seek love and approval from another person. As a result, we can love and serve others without condition.
The ability to love others is not complicated. It doesn’t require education or training. Love doesn’t care about the size of our platform or how many social media followers we have. It’s not reserved for some elite few. Everyone has the power to love and serve others.
Often, we get so caught up in our purpose and calling as believers. We obsess over it. We long for clarity, and when it supposedly doesn’t come, we don’t move, and we become disheartened. In essence, we become paralyzed by purpose. Here’s the thing: we don’t find our purpose by obsessing about it, but by orienting our lives around other people.
The excuses for why we don’t use our influence has to stop. At some point, our lack of leadership becomes lousy stewardship. Everyday leadership begins today. Don’t get bogged down by what you should’ve done in the past; focus on what you can do today to make a difference.
How do you suffer from destination thinking when it comes to your leadership capacity? What does it mean to be paralyzed by your purpose?
What would your life look like if you oriented it around loving other people?
God, may I live a life of integrity and mission. The calling You have placed on my shoulders is to pursue Your heart while loving and serving others. Let me lead in such a way that people see You in everything I do. In Your name, Jesus. Amen.