Treehouse Treasure
“All the believers were one in heart and mind. No one claimed that any of their possessions was their own, but they shared everything they had.” Acts 4:32
When we were kids, my brother and I were not the best at sharing. He was older and set in his ways and I was the younger, annoying sister. However, we did share a treehouse and wanted it to be the coolest in the neighborhood. In order to add some necessary upgrades, we needed to team up and work together. We raided our toy boxes, gathered leftover candy, and set up shop. Homemade signs that read, Toy/Candy Sale Today at 1:00 flanked the street.
My brother worked the room, talking up all the goods, and I’d chime in to help close the deal. “That blue panda you’re holding was the last of its kind in the claw machine…totally worth $2.00.” As the items were sold, we placed the earnings in a glass jar labeled, Treehouse Treasure. I can’t remember exactly what we bought for the treehouse, but I do remember being with my brother and working together for the same purpose.
The believers in the verse above also united with a purpose in mind: to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ. Though different in their own ways, they were one in heart and mind. As they shared in all they had, they strived for something much bigger than themselves.
This is the church.
Church is not a building. Church is a group of people, a body with different parts for different functions all working together to share the love of Christ. When we unite with our unique talents, gifts, and resources, we are stronger and better positioned to advance God’s kingdom here on earth.
This is the church.
We all have something (a gift, talent, resource) that can be shared with another to make an impact. Ask God to reveal how your life can be leveraged for the sake of another.
Heavenly Father, thank you for this reminder that Your church was never about a place but a people. Help us discover how we uniquely fit into the body and play a significant part in advancing Your Kingdom. Give us the vision of uniting as one so that Your will may be done. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Port City Care Coordinator Mandy Hughes wrote today’s devotional.