Alternative Facts


Let us examine our ways and test them and let us return to the Lord. Lamentations 3:40

Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting. Psalm 139:23-24


From the nightly news to social media sites, people are going on about alternative facts, fake news, inherent bias, and debunked hoaxes. Many of us are drowning as we attempt to wade through the sea of misinformation. The chaos taking place in our broken world mimics the turmoil taking place in our hearts and souls. 

I bring all of this up not to set off a political firestorm or start a heated debate about our country's direction or history. For a moment, forget about everybody else. Don't think about all that is happening in the world. 

Instead, look inward and examine your heart. The twisting of truth has been around since the dawn of humanity. You do it. I'm certainly guilty of it. We all at one time or another have crafted a narrative to explain away our circumstances, escape reality, or justify our choices:

"If my wife respected me, I wouldn't be tempted to turn my attention somewhere else."

"I don't have to say it or show it. My kids know that I love them."

"It's not hurting anybody else, so what I'm doing is no big deal."

"I can stop anytime I want."

"No one knows or understands my struggles, so it's safer to keep it to myself."

"Their life is picture-perfect. Why doesn't anything bad happen to them?"

"They made me angry. I had no choice but to react."

A danger arises when we tell ourselves these tales. If we keep repeating these lies long enough, eventually we will begin to view them as truth. We become so wrapped up in these virtual realities that we avoid coming face-to-face with our hearts' real state, which in turn keeps us double-minded and prevents us from walking in integrity.

Integrity doesn't reside in alternative facts or fake news. It requires honesty, transparency, and vulnerability. There is no alternative route that paves the way to integrity. Integrity only comes when we are willing to be honest with ourselves, those around us, and even God Himself.


  • What alternative facts are you creating in your own life? How are they clouding your judgment and distorting your perspective?

  • In what ways are these "facts" preventing you from walking in integrity?


God, I'm reluctant to examine my own heart honestly. It's easier to lie to myself than to come to terms with what lies beneath. But, keeping up this charade of alternative facts is exhausting. Today, give me the courage to look inward and to know that You will meet me with Your grace and mercy. In Your name, Jesus. Amen.

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