Cloud Your View
In his grace, God has given us different gifts for doing certain things well. So if God has given you the ability to prophesy, speak out with as much faith as God has given you. If your gift is serving others, serve them well. If you are a teacher, teach well. If your gift is to encourage others, be encouraging. If it is giving, give generously. If God has given you leadership ability, take the responsibility seriously. And if you have a gift for showing kindness to others, do it gladly. Romans 12:6-8
On my way to an appointment, the heavens opened up, and a torrential downpour ensued. Gripping the steering wheel in utter fear, I attempted to navigate my way through the monsoon. As the rain came down in sheets, I flipped on my windshield wipers in hopes of achieving at least some visibility.
Rather than push the rain away, the dangling remnants of plastic smeared it on my windshield. With procrastination being my spiritual gift, I hadn't got around to replacing them. I figured it was no big deal. Since my car worked just fine and it had been sunny over the past few weeks, rushing out for new windshield wipers didn't seem pressing. However, when I needed them the most, I realized how detrimental their absence was to my safety. On I drove into the abyss, and since you are reading this, you know I survived the floods.
Romans 12 speaks to the fact that God has given us unique gifts, talents, and passions. Yet, if we are honest, some of us are guilty of comparing our gifts (or supposed lack thereof) to others' contributions, and pondering why we received the short end of the stick. This questioning paralyzes us and keeps us from being a contributor and making a difference in this world.
Feelings of inadequacy can quickly lead us into believing our part doesn't matter, or our lack of participation won't be missed. When we use these excuses to sit on the sidelines and not leverage our gifts, talents, and time, we've developed a windshield wiper mindset. This piece of car equipment doesn't get the respect it deserves. A million pieces make up my car. There are those parts that have a more prominent role, like let's say an engine, brakes, or flux capacitor (that's a thing, right?).
But without all the other nuts, bolts, hoses, wires, and gauges working correctly, the car can be bound to sit at the mechanics rather than do what it is intended to do - be out on the open road. The 12th chapter of Romans goes on to show how each individual's contribution ultimately determines the overall body's overall effectiveness.
Each part matters. For those struggling with discouragement or fear, your part matters. For the teenager who is attempting to navigate through adolescence, your part matters. For those desperate to find community, your part matters. For the people you lead at work, your part matters. For the problematic issues facing our community and world, your part matters. For a culture spinning out of control, your part matters.
The church creates movement and momentum when every person remains engaged. Don't allow feelings of inadequacy or insignificance to rain down and cloud your view of your contribution. Wipe away those fears and doubts by jumping in and owning your part.
Do you believe your contribution matters to the Body of Christ? Why or why not? What makes you answer in the way that you do?
What excuses or justifications do you use to rationalize sometimes not owning your part?
God, help me to see that You placed within me gifts, talents, and insight. Show me how I can use what I have for the good of Your Kingdom and the lives of those around me. May I own my part and see it as valuable and worthwhile. When discouragement sets in, remind me that I am part of something much bigger than myself. In Your name, Jesus. Amen.