Telling A Great Story


Faith shows the reality of what we hope for; it is the evidence of things we cannot see. Through their faith, the people in days of old earned a good reputation. Hebrews 11:1-2

All these people earned a good reputation because of their faith, yet none of them received all that God had promised. For God had something better in mind for us, so that they would not reach perfection without us. Hebrews 11:39-40


When we let comfort and convenience overpower our willingness to step into the unknown, we choose to sit on the sidelines. If our eyes focus solely on whether our tiny, individual kingdom is comfortable, we will miss out on opportunities to be used by God. There is an incredible cost associated with making this decision.

To tell a great story with our life, we must choose calling over convenience.

The life and meaning we desire take root when we sacrifice for something bigger than ourselves. God's vision for the person we are becoming has little to do with our peace and pleasure. It gives little regard to our comfort and convenience.

No epic Bible stories exist about a man or woman who settled for comfort. God utilized those willing to be inconvenienced and sacrifice their needs and wants for a greater good. Nowhere is this better exemplified than in Hebrews 11.

This passage, often dubbed "The Hall of Faith," mentions individuals driven by faith and convictions who refused to settle for comfort. They trusted in God's character as well as His promises.

Imagine for a second if they took the easy route and chose convenience instead. Noah wouldn't have built an ark in the middle of the barren land. Abraham would have missed the opportunity to see God's promise fulfilled in Isaac. Moses and the Israelites would have never left Egypt or crossed the Red Sea.

This list doesn't even mention those from the New Testament who exhibited incredible faith - people like the apostle Paul, Peter, John, and the rest of the disciples. If they settled for security, the early church, along with the Gospel's life-changing message, would never have dispersed to the ends of the world.

They did answer the call, and many heard their radical message of God's unconditional love and forgiveness. In the face of fiery opposition, they spoke of God taking on human form, being vulnerable, and willingly dying on a cross to bridge the divide that our sin created. This message has been changing the world ever since.


  • What type of story are you telling with your life? Where does faith make an appearance in your story?


God, I want to tell a great story with my life. I want my days to count, which won't occur if I'm consumed with making a name for myself. Help me to live for something bigger than my glory. May Your name be praised by the way I live my life. In Your name, Jesus. Amen.

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