Our Great Source
“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” John 15:5
I grew up around cars. My dad works for Bob King as a part-time salesman. So, when I was younger, he was always showing me cool mechanical tricks and cars we could not afford. That was so many years ago, and I do not think anyone can truly believe how far automobiles have come. So many advances that were futuristic five years ago are now standard. For the right price, you can buy a car that has massage seats! What a world we live in.
But what makes the car world even crazier, is that no matter the complexity of a car, it can only operate with an engine. Cars can have everything you need inside and out, but without an engine, it is absolutely useless. A car cannot operate unless it has its source of power.
There are several objects in this life that operate in the same manner; they are essentially useless unless they are plugged into a greater source. Any item that uses electricity has no purpose unless it can find its greater source.
It’s the same for those of us who follow Jesus. John wrote in his narrative the words of Jesus. Jesus said that if we are not plugged into Him then we cannot do anything. Though that can seem harsh, Jesus is absolutely correct.
Jesus used the word “abide” and this means to remain. Our call is to remain in Jesus, and when we remain in Jesus, we are given the opportunity to bear fruit. The fruit we bear is evidence of walking with Jesus. The way we speak, think, act, respond, treat others, and care for others show what sort of fruit we are growing. The fruit we grow could be the way we help someone see Jesus for the first time. Jesus allows everyone to see Him through our lives. Every moment we have is a chance to reflect and re-present Jesus to family, friends, enemies, and strangers.
But when we try to live a good life apart from Jesus, then nothing becomes our product. We tend to unknowingly try to operate out of our own strength, power, position, finances, security, and desires. When we abide in those areas, we create nothing. Those sources are empty and carry no greater power for us to operate out of. Jesus is an unlimited source, and He is the perfection of the fruit we want to live out. Jesus embodies patience, kind words, living sacrificially, generosity, and every other good fruit that could be produced.
The game-changer for you and I is the journey to abide with Jesus is the journey He already invites us on. Jesus never looked at someone and forced them to follow Him. He extended an invitation to come and see Him. We all remember that one glimpse of Jesus that changed everything for us. The one glimpse that caused us to abandon everything else to follow Him. As we continue to follow Him, we remain in Him. As we remain, we become more like Him, and our fruit points others towards Him.
The greatest place we can remain is with Jesus. In Him, we find everything we need, and most importantly, we find Him.
What source are you living your life out of?
What can you do to remain in Jesus?
Father, thank you for being the true vine. What a beautiful image to see that You are my source. I find everything that I am when I find You. Help me to remain regardless of what is going on in my life. Let others see the fruit You produce in my life so they might get that one glimpse of You. I love You Father, and pray this all in Your holy name, Amen.
Port City writer Davy Nance wrote today’s devotional.