Start With Love
And don't forget to do good and to share with those in need. These are the sacrifices that please God. Hebrews 13:16
Share each other's burdens, and in this way obey the law of Christ. Galatians 6:2
Even though many of us want to impact this world, we tend to struggle when it comes to pinpointing the gifts and resources we have at our disposal. After all, our own worst critic tends to be ourselves. Everyone needs someone to walk alongside them, speak into their lives, and pinpoint the abilities they can't see on their own.
The only way this can occur is through intentionality and investment. One of the greatest gifts we can give someone is inspiring them to display courage and see themselves as leaders. People connect when they are known.
A relationship is where influence takes root. We can't handle this responsibility lightly. Our expression, the way we live our lives, can be someone else's encounter. As believers, everywhere we go, we carry with us the integrity of His image and His love's influence. Rather than holding onto it tightly, we must give it away freely.
God does a work in us first before He will ever work through us, and sometimes the tool he uses is how we respond to adversity. Even in those challenging moments, he can do immeasurably more than we could ever hope for or dream. Immeasurably more starts with His power at work within us. Influence gets formed within and moves outward. These ripple effects touch others who, in turn, impact the places they call home. Making disciples is what happens outside of the church walls "as we go" about our typical day.
Results aren't just WHAT gets accomplished, but rather the WAY it gets accomplished. Results matter because people matter. Achieving things and making a name for ourselves means very little if people don't feel cared for and valued. Influence has a responsibility for those within its care. We must start with love because love compels and love fills. Love wants the best for another person.
Think about the people you lead and who are in your sphere of influence. What could the people you lead become? Who needs to hear that you believe in them?
Whose burden do you need to help share?
God, help me to encourage those around me. Let me be their biggest cheerleader and supporter. May I have the courage to speak life into the people that I know and love. I desire to take what You are doing in my own heart and give it away to others. In Your name, Jesus Amen.