Thoughtful Interactions
“For though we walk in the flesh, we are not waging war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds. We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ” 2 Corinthians 10:3-5
I have only gotten into one fight my entire life. Now, if you know me, you understand how bizarre this statement is, but it is true! I was 8 years old, at a youth camp, and it was over a basketball. I laugh because what I describe as a fight was simply me pushing some guy over. We then had to sit in time-out and pray for each other. It was quite the experience.
As I matured, I realized the words Paul wrote are truer than I first thought. I was not fighting the other boy over a basketball; I was fighting because I was selfish, impatient, greedy, and broken. But since I could not throw a fist at those characteristics, I let them cause pain to someone else.
Flash forward some 20 years and those characteristics still try to pick their fights. For all of us, our wars tend to be projected on someone else, as the real war happens in our minds.
Our moments of selfishness, impatience, greediness, harm, slander, and so much more are born from a thought. When those thoughts are allowed to run free and unengaged, they give birth to sin. Sin is doing something that hurts someone God loves. So whether it is yourself, or someone else, those untamed thoughts lead to sin. Paul gives us our weapon to fight back with: taking those thoughts captive.
Paul is inviting us to engage with our thoughts. The moment a thought enters your mind, think about it! Is it a good thought? Is it a bad thought? Based on the thought, is your immediate response going to hurt someone? Why does this thought make you feel “X”?
Thinking your thoughts changes the way you live out your responses. When someone cuts you off in traffic, challenges your beliefs, does not wear a mask, or supports the opposite political party, what are your initial thoughts? What good does it do to allow harmful words and actions flow from untamed thoughts?
In Jesus’ encounters with humans, some people were pushing His buttons. If we believe Jesus entered humanity as a human, we can trust that He probably had some thoughts that if left untamed could have ended in bad decisions. But Jesus knew the importance of taking captive His thoughts. Every word and action of Jesus pointed towards Someone greater. He did not leave scars on people’s hearts from harmful words and actions. Jesus embraced a way of life that I want to embrace. He was mindful.
My One Word for the year is mindfulness. In everything that I hear, see, say, and do, I want to use my full mind before responding. The pursuit of mindfulness has taught me to stay away from conclusions, shy away from judgment, and allowed me into conversations to hear all sides of a story. I am working on moving away from “one-thought reactions” and moving towards “thoughtful interactions.” Thoughtful interactions create an avenue to relationships. I have seen how one-thought interactions create an avenue to more brokenness. Though our minds can be one of the toughest battlefields we have, Jesus fights with us. He promises that we fight from a place of victory, not for it.
How do you engage with your thoughts?
How can you allow Jesus to help take your thoughts captive?
Father, thank you for being my victory. Though my mind wages war, I remember that the battle is Yours. You are greater than anything in this world. Help me to take captive my thoughts, and to engage with them. As I take captive my thoughts, may I begin to take on Your thoughts. Help me to step into thoughtful interactions with others so they may get a glimpse of You. I pray this in Your holy name, Amen.
Port City writer Davy Nance wrote today’s devotional.