Tony Ripa Tony Ripa

A Faraway Dream

As my husband and I have gotten more settled in our careers and our kids have gotten older and more connected with friends and activities, this idea seems more and more like a faraway dream. It looks like a grand idea that will likely never come to fruition, and there are days when that feels very daunting. There are days where I think I should fight for what I want. Sometimes I'm tempted to settle on the idea that I have a right to my desires.

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Tony Ripa Tony Ripa

Loving Correction

Over the course of my faith journey, my relationship with conviction has been a complicated one. For far too long, I bought into the lie that conviction was God’s way of slapping me on the wrist and shaming me for not being good enough. When I messed up, I was afraid to come into God’s presence. Spending time with Him felt like swimming in a pool of guilt and self-defeat. I left time with God feeling ashamed and burdened, rather than light and free.

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Warren King Warren King

Missing The Point

It's possible to obey and follow the rules but entirely miss the point. Any parent knows this to be true. A child can clean up their play area by shoving all their clothes, dolls, legos, and art supplies under the bed. Your little one can share their toy while muttering under their breath how unfair it is…

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Tony Ripa Tony Ripa

Impossible and Unlikely

If I’m honest, I think several things I want to happen in my life are impossible. At the very least, the chance of them occurring is highly improbable. As a result, I have given up faith that certain circumstances in my world can be transformed, redeemed, or resolved. However, I cannot help but think that God has given me a deep yearning for these “impossible” things to happen for a reason.

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Tony Ripa Tony Ripa

Freedom is…

I recently talked to my kids about freedom in Christ, and it hit me how abstract this concept is for me as an adult, let alone a child. But if my 4-year-old can learn about volcanoes on Mars in preschool, I figured why not give painting a picture about freedom a shot? Even with my best explanations, this complex concept seemed just out of their reach. When I asked what it means to be free, they said, "you can do whatever you want, or it doesn't cost you anything." Both were honest answers and, for me, interesting thoughts to process.

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Tony Ripa Tony Ripa

Smarty Pants

My parents have jumped headfirst into retirement. From traveling all over the place to trying out new hobbies, they truly are living their "best life yet." These social butterflies are thriving. Every day is an adventure for them, thanks to the calendar they got for Christmas…

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Tony Ripa Tony Ripa

You Are Loved

I remember how nervous I was proposing to my now wife. My concern wasn't because I thought her answer swung in the balance (after all, I'm quite a catch...I kid, I kid). Instead, it had everything to do with making it a memorable moment and smoothly planned…

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Tony Ripa Tony Ripa

Forgive and Be Forgiven

Our eternal destiny is determined by Jesus’ atoning sacrifice alone—the Bible is clear on this. However, our relationship with God is damaged and scarred when we withhold forgiveness from His children. God sees us all as worthy of forgiveness, no matter what we’ve done wrong and how gravely we’ve hurt those around us. It is offensive to God when we decide that one of His children should not be pardoned for their sins. The cross has declared us all “not guilty.” Who are we to claim, through our unforgiveness, that our judgment is superior to God’s?

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Warren King Warren King

More Than Enough

There is a slight irony that I am sitting down to write a devotion today about being pressed but not crushed. Sometimes that feels like my story. Maybe it feels like yours. Nothing is ever too devastating that you are not here to tell about it, but you feel pressed from every side more often than not…

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Warren King Warren King

The Gig is Up

When we were newlyweds, my parents surprised Jenn and me by gifting us a trip to Cape Cod. They failed to mention that it was at a timeshare resort, which meant that we were obligated to listen to a sales presentation sometime during the vacation…

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Tony Ripa Tony Ripa

The Privilege of His Presence

If you could have God satisfy any craving you have right now, what would it be? If I’m honest, asking God to give me the privilege of dwelling in His presence forever isn’t the first thing that comes to my mind. There are several things I think I’d ask Him for long before saying, “Hey God, you know what I want most? I just want to be with You.” King David’s song holds a mirror up to my heart: spending time with God isn’t my greatest joy or strongest craving… but I want it to be.

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Tony Ripa Tony Ripa

Look What I Did

As I typed today and looked down at my aging hands, I wondered when my hands started looking like my grandmother's. Of course, I remember many things about my grandmother: her stories, watching The Price is Right and Days of Our Lives, and snapping green beans and shelling peas. But, what always sticks with me was her hands wrinkled, with age spots, and some of her fingers bent from arthritis.

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Tony Ripa Tony Ripa

Time to Rise

In life, we face crossroads all the time. Situations present themselves that force us to consider, decide, or choose…

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Tony Ripa Tony Ripa

Blind as a Bat

The other day when I was cleaning up, I came across a box of old childhood photographs. While coming to grip with some of my questionable fashion choices and haircuts, I took a stroll down memory lane. Many of the photos brought a smile to my face, but one, in particular, stood out…

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Warren King Warren King

A New Song

Songs bring us to places. We hear a tune, and instantly we're transported back to our childhood, high school years, or a significant event of the past. Songs provide us with information. It's why we know that Jenny's phone number is 867-5309 and that the mode of transportation for that small-town girl who was living in a lonely world was a midnight train…

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Tony Ripa Tony Ripa

The Open Road

Final words are important. When someone realizes their time on earth has come to an end, they sense what truly matters and attempt to express these words of wisdom to family and friends…

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Tony Ripa Tony Ripa

Loving in Little Ways

Even when our schedules are packed and our bank accounts are drained, we have the power to speak uplifting words to others. Words have power. Giving a kind word can change someone’s day. Going out of our way to let someone know that we care about them, we are praying for them, or even that we simply like the shirt they’re wearing can be uncomfortable. But those around us are worthy of hearing loving words, because every person we encounter is made in the image of God. Jesus shed His blood for every person we come in contact with.

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Warren King Warren King

White Belt

Very few films define my childhood more than The Karate Kid. I was seven years old when the big-screen introduced me to Daniel Russo, Mr. Miyagi, and the villainous Johnny Lawrence. Being teased and bullied as a kid myself, I couldn't wait to see the Cobra Kai crew get their comeuppance…

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Warren King Warren King

A Better Tomorrow

Living on the coast of North Carolina, chances are good you know of someone whose world got turned upside down because of a hurricane. It might be a co-worker, neighbors down the street, family, or friends. Perhaps it's even you…

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Warren King Warren King

A Beautiful Melody

The elementary school I attended wanted to expose students to arts and music as early as possible. One way they accomplished this goal was our 5th-grade band. During the year, every student tested out different instruments to see if one sparked their fancy. We all got a turn playing things like the saxophone, trumpet, clarinet, and violin…

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