Impossible and Unlikely

Jesus looked at them intently and said, “Humanly speaking, it is impossible. But not with God. Everything is possible with God.” Mark 10:27 NLT 


If I’m honest, I think several things I want to happen in my life are impossible. At the very least, the chance of them occurring is highly improbable. As a result, I have given up faith that certain circumstances in my world can be transformed, redeemed, or resolved. However, I cannot help but think that God has given me a deep yearning for these “impossible” things to happen for a reason. 

There are people in my life whom I desperately want to enter into a relationship with Christ, yet I doubt they ever will. I have family members who have struggled with addiction for most of their lives, and I am skeptical that they will ever be healed. I wrestle with several mental health diagnoses and convince myself that I will never be free of them. To save myself the discomfort of waiting on God and holding onto hope, I write things off as “impossible.” It is easier to accept defeat than to hold onto God’s promises. We don’t like to be disappointed when God won’t do what we want, so we convince ourselves that He can’t. 

We often imagine that the power of God is restrained by the laws of nature and the expectations set by our culture. We proclaim that Jesus walked on water, healed the sick, and raised the dead from their graves. Yet, when it comes to our circumstances, we tell ourselves and others that God is unable to move. 

Jesus tells us that when we pray for something in His name that will bring glory to the Father, He will respond (John 14:13). This doesn’t mean God will grant our every whim and wish. This means that when we pray earnestly, even in the face of doubt, we will witness God’s power to do the things we call “impossible” and “unlikely.” 

His desires and plans are superior to our own. Sometimes He will answer our prayers in unexpected ways. But rest assured: God holds the power to defy our every expectation. He is always doing more than we could ever ask for, think, or imagine; whether or not we can see it in this moment (Ephesians 3:20). 


  • What have you given up hope that God can do or accomplish in your life? 

  • Do you believe that God can’t do something because you are afraid to feel let down by Him? 


Abba, You have power that extends far beyond my understanding. I am often afraid to believe in the extent of Your power, because I am disappointed that my circumstances don’t align with my will for my life. Remind me that You are capable of doing the impossible. Comfort me and remind me that Your will is pleasing and perfect. Humble me and remind me that my plans are inferior to Yours, because I am not omniscient or wise. Though I may have to wrestle through let-downs and redirections, I trust You are good. Lord, empower me to proclaim to myself and others that You can always do more than we anticipate or expect. In Your Son’s Holy name, amen. 

Port City writer Kate Redenbaugh wrote today's devotional.

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