Loving in Little Ways
Whenever you possibly can, do good to those who need it! Proverbs 3:27 GNT
A few years ago, I made a commitment that has changed my life (and, hopefully, the lives of those around me). I gave myself two rules:
Whenever I think of someone by name, I will shoot them a text and let them know I’m thinking of them.
Whenever I think of a compliment, I will say it out loud.
I am a busy college student. It's easy for me to make excuses and not serve others with my time or money. My schedule is packed with class, work, and social engagements. So often, I convince myself that I cannot serve the people around me unless I am able to commit to working on a Habitat for Humanity build for 5+ hours. But serving those around us doesn’t always have to mean working with a charity or nonprofit (though, these are amazing ways to serve). God calls us to love others with whatever resources are available to us.
There will be seasons in our lives when we are short on time, money, and energy. But God’s call to love others sacrificially and count them as more important than ourselves does not change (Philippians 2:3-4). We have to find sustainable ways to consistently give ourselves away, regardless of the season of life we are navigating.
Even when our schedules are packed and our bank accounts are drained, we have the power to speak uplifting words to others. Words have power. Giving a kind word can change someone’s day. Going out of our way to let someone know that we care about them, we are praying for them, or even that we simply like the shirt they’re wearing can be uncomfortable. But those around us are worthy of hearing loving words, because every person we encounter is made in the image of God. Jesus shed His blood for every person we come in contact with.
The next time the Holy Spirit prompts you to take a small step to love someone, act. Don’t let fear or pride stand in your way. I have found that speaking kindness over people, however awkward it may feel, always pays off. You never know when the people around you desperately need to hear what you have to say. You never know how it may affect someone when you take small steps to love them.
Today, embrace the little ways you can love others. Hold the door open for a stranger. Ask your waitress how her day is going. Clean something around the house without being asked. Pick up that extra treat at the grocery store because you know your friend, partner, or kid would enjoy it. Send someone a song that reminds you of them.
There are a million ways to give love. Whenever you are able, give love away. We always have love to give, because we are loved beyond measure by Love Himself. Small acts of servitude put God’s glory on display. These small acts of surrender add up, changing our world and our hearts for the better.
What are small ways you can give yourself away today?
Abba, You love me in a million little ways. Thank You for loving me in every moment, in ways I so often take for granted. In Your grace, empower me to love those around me in any little way I can. Help me to “tune in” to the ways Your Holy Spirit is prompting me to give myself away. Don’t let me buy into the lie that I have nothing to give. Even if all I have to give is my attention or my words, help me to take action and put others first. Lord, I love You, and I thank You for all the love You give me. Toward my focus beyond myself so that I can share that same divine love with Your children. Amen.
Port City writer Kate Redenbaugh wrote today’s devotional.