Tony Ripa Tony Ripa

Be The Hope

During troubling times, the world longs for a calming and gentle voice. For most people my age raised on PBS, that individual was Mr. Rogers. Let's be honest: we all wanted to be his neighbor…

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Tony Ripa Tony Ripa

Why We Shine

We rarely turn on the lights in a room to stare directly at the lights themselves. (In fact, doing so can cause eye damage. Don’t do that.) Lights are a means to an end—they serve to illuminate the things around them. They help us to see clearly and navigate our surroundings skillfully.

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Tony Ripa Tony Ripa

What Keeps You?

We live in a world that operates in the exact opposite posture. The goal is to be served. That is where the power is and that is how we know we’ve made it— by the way people cater to us or cower to us. But in Christ, we are to share the same mindset and follow the same model, and that is the posture of a servant.

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Warren King Warren King

Honor One Another

Often the difficulty we have with Scripture is not due to a lack of comprehension but rather an unwillingness to put those truths into practice, especially when it comes to dealing with difficult people. For instance, take today’s passage found in Romans…

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Tony Ripa Tony Ripa

What We Plant

The light and the dark. It’s the epic struggle we’ve seen depicted in our stories since the beginning of time. The hero of light struggles against the villain of darkness. We love these stories because they seem to reflect our world. They reflect our desire that the light will win out over the darkness…

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Tony Ripa Tony Ripa

Hitting Snooze

Studies have shown that 57% of Americans utilize the snooze button regularly. Those numbers mean that we spend 3.5 months of our lives hitting the snooze button on average. We ignore the buzzer going off welcoming us to a new day…d

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Tony Ripa Tony Ripa

Mary and Martha

Rdesting is my struggle. If things are out of place, I have difficulty sitting and listening. I like to ensure my tasks are completed before I sit and read, engage in conversation, or watch a movie. If the dishes in my sink are done, then I am all yours! It's hard for me to admit, but I am a Martha.

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Tony Ripa Tony Ripa

For the World

What can the church do for me? We live in an age of consumption, with this mindset sinking its teeth into Christianity. We church shop looking for a community that fits our every want, need, and wish…

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Tony Ripa Tony Ripa

Bitter Cookies

When my wife was in her final stretch of nursing school, I wanted to do something special for her a few years back. So after a long weekend of studying, I decided to whip up a sweet treat - a batch of chocolate chip cookies. I'm not a baker, but I can follow simple directions, or so I thought…

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Tony Ripa Tony Ripa

Words I Can Understand

When I was in high school, I went on a cross-cultural trip to Germany. I stayed with a local family while sightseeing and immersing myself in the culture. Unfortunately, I utilized German class for my afternoon nap, so I couldn't speak, read or understand the language…

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Tony Ripa Tony Ripa


Like most teenagers, earbuds seem like an extra appendage for my daughter, Paige. She listens to music almost 24/7. Yet, often, when I call her for dinner, I get radio silence…

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Warren King Warren King


One of my favorite summer traditions involves watching America's Got Talent with my family.  Over the years, we’ve all had our "Golden Buzzer" favorite picks, but one contestant named Shin Lim stood out to all of us. Shin is without question the greatest up-close magician I have ever seen…

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Warren King Warren King

The Battle for the Remote

Like most teens, my two daughters bicker from time to time. Most skirmishes tend to center on clothes, makeup, and hogging the bathroom when the other is attempting to get ready. However, the greatest source of contention is the television remote…

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Tony Ripa Tony Ripa


My vehicles are showing their age. My husband, Bobby, drives a van with 226,000 miles, and I have a little blue Hyundai with 289,000 miles. Both vehicles continue to get us to all the places, even though they continually make it an adventure. Yesterday, another warning light popped on as I turned on my car - oh, joy. My new addition means I presently have four brightly colored and unavoidable signals illuminating my dash, each reminding me something needs attention.

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Tony Ripa Tony Ripa

Behind Me

I love watching my son's high school track and field meets. What I do not enjoy is the length of said meets, which are usually over four hours long. Yes, you read that right. I'm also not a huge fan of the cold, which made a recent meet miserable.

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Tony Ripa Tony Ripa

Holy Week - “An Enduring Heart”

Before we celebrate Easter Sunday, we can't overlook that dark Saturday. The day Jesus spent in the tomb was a time of silence, confusion, and waiting. However, during that day, we witness the enduring and steadfast nature of Jesus.

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Tony Ripa Tony Ripa

Holy Week - “A Forgiving Heart”

The heart of Jesus beats with a rhythm of mercy that never ceases to amaze. It is one that boldly and without hesitation extended forgiveness even in the face of rejection, hate, and scorn. As Jesus hung on the cross, bloodied and broken, battered and bruised, He cried out, "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do." (Luke 23:34). Forgiveness filled His heart - not just for those who had put Him there, but for all who would come to Him seeking forgiveness.

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Tony Ripa Tony Ripa

Holy Week - “A Heart to Serve”

As we continue to explore the heart of Jesus together this Holy Week, we come to a definitive attribute of Jesus – His heart to serve! Pause and consider that Jesus Christ, the Son of God through whom all things were created and in whom all things hold together (Colossians 1:16-17), did not expect to be served by humanity, but rather Jesus served humanity by giving His life as a ransom.

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Tony Ripa Tony Ripa

Holy Week - “A Loving Heart”

The heart of Jesus beats with a love that is unconditional, sacrificial, and intimately relational. It served as the driving force behind His mission on earth, and His profound desire is to be in a close and personal relationship with each one of us.

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Tony Ripa Tony Ripa

Holy Week - “A Gentle & Lowly Heart”

On this Tuesday of Holy Week, we continue to explore the heart of Jesus together, and today we actually get to hear Jesus describe His own heart! The passage we just read, Matthew 11:28-29, is the only place in the Bible where Jesus explicitly describes what He is like at His core. Jesus could have used a lot of words to tell us about Himself like powerful, eternal, or wise, but instead Jesus describes His heart as gentle and lowly.

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