The Battle for the Remote
Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. 1 Peter 5:7
The Lord replied, "My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest." Exodus 33:14
Like most teens, my two daughters bicker from time to time. Most skirmishes tend to center on clothes, makeup, and hogging the bathroom when the other is attempting to get ready. However, the greatest source of contention is the television remote. One wants to binge-watch Outer Banks for the umpteenth time, while the other wants to tune into HGTV or some cooking show. One loves comedies while the other enjoys dramas.
Both realize an essential truth: The person in possession of the mort holds the remote holds power. To release their grip on the clicker means letting go of their authority and control. They resist this with all their might and have, on occasion, swiped it back when the other wasn't looking.
Their battle for the remote and how we often treat prayer has many similarities. In the Christian world, we say things like casting our cares onto Him. However, many of us struggle to do so. Instead, we "clutch the clicker" by trying to deal with things on our own. If we put the controller down through prayer, we keep our eye on the remote and swipe it back if we don't trust that God will take it and deal with it to our liking.
We want answers now, and we struggle with our patience. We lose heart when things don't seem to be moving fast enough, and we are not sure how much longer we can endure or how much longer we can persist in something. But we must endure and be persistent. We can't lose heart. Our job is not to figure out how things will unfold but to keep praying and trusting God with the outcome.
Casting our cares means letting go completely and allowing him to carry our burdens. EVERYTHING. Lay it down for good. All our concerns. All of our disappointment and pain. All our fears. All our hopes and dreams. All the things that keep us up at night. We give them over to God, and He will give us rest and comfort.
We've got to stop asking God to get us out of things and ask God to get us through instead. God may not change our situation, but He always changes us. We are not anxious. We are not wigging out. We trust that we are His, and He has us in His grip.
What does it mean to cast your anxiety and concerns to God? How difficult is it for you to do so, and why?
What causes you to lose heart in situations you lift up in prayer?
God, I know you command me to cast my cares to You. But, I must confess that I am afraid to let them go. Rather than trust, I worry. Rather than rest, my mind wanders. So, today give me peace in these situations. Instead of changing the situation, change my heart. Instead of transforming my circumstances, transform my mind. In Your name, Jesus. Amen.