Prove me, O Lord, and try me; test my heart and my mind. Psalm 26:2
And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Helper, to be with you forever. John 14:18
And he who searches hearts knows what is the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints according to the will of God. Romans 8:27
My vehicles are showing their age. My husband, Bobby, drives a van with 226,000 miles, and I have a little blue Hyundai with 289,000 miles. Both vehicles continue to get us to all the places, even though they continually make it an adventure. Yesterday, another warning light popped on as I turned on my car - oh, joy. My new addition means I presently have four brightly colored and unavoidable signals illuminating my dash, each reminding me something needs attention.
We have decided that if the eventual repairs are too costly, we'll purchase a newer car. But, until that dreaded time comes, we will keep going with all the warning lights. I know that one day I will be cruising to get to work or some other important place, and my blue girl may not get me there. I have ignored the alert lights for so long now that I almost feel they don't mean anything since the car keeps going.
We all walk through life, making decisions - both big and small. With each choice, we either feel confident that we made the right decision or experience an uncomfortable tug when unsure. Often, we disregard the unsettled feelings and continue on our way. Like my car, we ignore the check engine light.
But discounting the warnings only delays the inevitable and worsens the problem. Instead, it's a signal to check our hearts and rely on one of the greatest gifts God gave us - the presence of the Holy Spirit. We can't take steps of faith, display trust, and walk in obedience relying solely on our strength. We need a comforter, hope giver, teacher, intercessor, guide, and a red-light waver.
The Holy Spirit lets us know when our heart needs attention. The choice is ours whether we'll continue to force our way, ignore its promptings, and do damage to our hearts or slow down and pay attention.
I may be able to ignore the warning lights on my car and come to regret that day when my car fails. But it is just a car. Ignoring the loving urges of our Father can create a hardening heart that matters in our walk with Him. If we desire to live a full life in Christ, we must surrender to His directions. He is crazy about us and wants the best for us, so we are equipped to serve Him wholeheartedly.
What are you ignoring that you know God is urging you to surrender, acknowledge, and respond in faith?
How can you surrender completely to God's will even when it is the most difficult?
Father, thank you for the gift of the Holy Spirit. Help us respond when He is knocking at our hearts to repent, move, or lean in. As we grow as believers, guide us to be brave in complicated circumstances and when we desire to do our own will instead of Yours. Remind us that Your ways are better than ours. Even if we can't understand what You are doing, we can trust You. Thank you for being so gracious in all of our failures and for bringing us back through Your gentle heart tugs. We love You and desire to honor You in all that we do. In Your name, Jesus. Amen.
Cindy Stauffer, Administrative Assistant at our Wilmington Campus, wrote today's devotional.