Holy Week - “A Gentle & Lowly Heart”
“Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.” Matthew 11:28-29
Take a moment to read Matthew 11:28-29 one more time, and as you do consider the incredible heart of Jesus expressed in this passage. Then before you move on, ask God to reveal more of Christ’s heart to you!
On this Tuesday of Holy Week, we continue to explore the heart of Jesus together, and today we actually get to hear Jesus describe His own heart! The passage we just read, Matthew 11:28-29, is the only place in the Bible where Jesus explicitly describes what He is like at His core. Jesus could have used a lot of words to tell us about Himself like powerful, eternal, or wise, but instead Jesus describes His heart as gentle and lowly.
Our world today does not place a high value on these qualities, often looking down on them or perceiving them as weak and unattractive. Instead, culture tells us to seek the spotlight, make a name for ourselves, and build our platform.
Just like the crowds that celebrated the entry of Jesus into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, we don’t know quite what to do with this aspect of the heart Jesus. They thought they were welcoming a conquering warrior who would overthrow the oppressive Roman occupation by force. When in fact they were welcoming the Lamb of God who would lay His life down as a sacrifice that would once and for all-time provide forgiveness of sins. Once again, Jesus turns the wisdom of the world upside down.
At the core of who He is and what He is like, Jesus is gentle and lowly. God’s Kingdom didn’t come by force, it came through the Son of God being willing to humble Himself even to the death on the cross (Philippians 2:1-11) so that you and I can be reconciled to God and invited to live life with God in His Kingdom on earth as it is in heaven!
Christ's gentleness is a sign of His strength and power under control. He is not timid, weak, or passive but the epitome of humility and quiet strength. His gentleness shines through in how He interacts with His followers, heals the sick and brokenhearted, and forgives those who have sinned against Him.
We catch glimpses of His gentle and lowly nature during Holy Week. Jesus arrives to His coronation on a donkey, humbly washes His disciples feet, graciously calls His betrayer His friend, agonizes in the Garden of Gethsemane, endures the ridicule and scorn of the crowds, and then remains silent when the charges against Him are read. In these moments of utter vulnerability, it was His gentleness that altered the course of humanity.
Jesus did not come to earth to seek personal gain or glory but to serve and lay down His life for us - His humility displayed through His willingness to be born in a manger, to associate with the poor and marginalized, and to endure the shame and humiliation of the cross.
As we strive to follow Christ and become more like Him, we must cultivate gentleness and humility in our lives, learning to love and serve others with the same tenderness and compassion He showed us. By letting go of our pride and selfish ambition, and being willing to lay down our lives for the sake of others, we will become more like Christ and experience the deep and abiding rest that He promises to all who come to Him.
What does it mean for us to follow the example of Jesus, who identified himself as gentle and lowly, in a world that values power and status?
How can meditating on Jesus' gentleness and humility help us find rest and peace in our souls?
Jesus, in a world that exalts strength and power, we look to You who are gentle and lowly in heart. Thank You for showing us that true strength lies in meekness and humility. Help us to follow in Your footsteps and live a life that reflects Your gentle and humble nature. We love You, Jesus. Amen.