Holy Week - “A Loving Heart”
It was just before the Passover Festival. Jesus knew that the hour had come for him to leave this world and go to the Father. Having loved his own who were in the world, he loved them to the end. John 13:1
Take a moment to read John 13:1 again, and as you do consider the incredible heart of Jesus expressed in this one verse. Then before you move on, ask God to reveal more of Christ’s heart to you!
The heart of Jesus beats with a love that is unconditional, sacrificial, and intimately relational. It served as the driving force behind His mission on earth, and His profound desire to be in a close and personal relationship with each one of us.
Throughout His time on earth, Jesus demonstrated took the time to connect with people on a personal level, listening to their stories, sharing in their joys and sorrows, and inviting them into a deeper relationship with Him. He saw beyond people's external circumstances and into the depths of their hearts, meeting them where they were with a love that was as transformative and powerful as it was intimate and personal. As we seek to understand the heart of Jesus today, we discover a love that is so deeply relational and close that it draws us into an intimate union with Him, transforming our lives and renewing our spirits.
As His time on earth drew to a close, Jesus gathered around a table with His closest companions to share a meal. The impending cross didn't sway Jesus. Neither did the chaos happening around Him alter His focus. Jesus didn't withdraw or become distant. Instead, He remained relationally focused; His concern directed towards His twelve closest followers.
In other words, He loved His people to the very end.
Jesus knew that love was the most important thing. He demonstrated that by pouring His love out on His disciples, even when it wasn't easy or convenient or when difficult circumstances presented themselves.
Jesus' heart remains relationally focused today. He still desires to be close and pour His love on us. We don't have to earn His love or do anything special to receive it. He loves us simply because we are His.
Jesus is always present with us no matter what life might throw our way. He promises never to leave or forsake us, and His presence is a source of comfort and strength. We can lean on Him and trust Him to guide us through our challenges.
In our fast-paced, technology-driven world, becoming disconnected from others and even ourselves can be easy. We get so caught up in our lives that we forget the importance of relationships. But Jesus' example shows us that relationships are essential. Love is what truly matters in life, and we must make it a priority to invest in our relationships with others.
Jesus understood the challenges of relationships. He knew what it was like to be betrayed, rejected, and abandoned. Yet, He faced those challenges with grace and compassion, offering us the same dignity and mercy as we navigate our relationships. There is no end to His love.
How connected or disconnected do you currently feel from God? What makes you answer in the way that you do?
Where do you need to remind yourself that the presence of Jesus is close and that He cares about you personally?
God, thank you for reminding us of the importance of relationships and the heart of Jesus. You are with us always; may we never take that for granted. May we trust in Your presence and guidance, even amid demanding circumstances. Let our connection with You shape our concern for others. Help us to prioritize relationships in our lives, and to show love and compassion to those around us. Amen.