Warren King Warren King


Peaceful. Secure. Undisturbed.

We're all friends here, so let's be honest. Those words don't describe my house, and chances are good, they stand in stark contrast to what's taking place under your roof right now…

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Tony Ripa Tony Ripa

A Cheerful Giver

Think of it like planting seeds in a garden. If you only toss a few seeds, you'll only get a few sprouts. But if you scatter them generously, you're in for a bountiful harvest. In our lives, the more we give – whether it's love, kindness, or even material things – the more blessings come our way.

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Tony Ripa Tony Ripa

Start Small

Our culture exalts the extraordinary, the grandeur, and the impressive. Yet, Jesus tenderly directs our gaze to the inconspicuous moments, the everyday choices we make. It is here, in these small, seemingly insignificant acts of faithfulness, that the profound transformation begins.

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Tony Ripa Tony Ripa

Every Penny

In a world dominated by the pursuit of financial success, it's easy to become consumed by the idea of achieving financial freedom as a distant destination. We're bombarded with advice on the "right" principles and strategies to attain this elusive goal. Yet, as followers of Christ, we must remember that financial freedom isn't merely a destination we reach through careful planning or strategic investments. Instead, it's a way of life where we can trust God with everything at any moment.

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Tony Ripa Tony Ripa

Toss and Turn

What topic tends to dominate your thoughts when you are tossing and turning in bed? Are you worried and distraught over past due bills, making ends meet, saving for the kids’ college, and putting food on the table? Do you find yourself wrestling with envy over what others have or dreaming of the perfect car, vacation, or beach home?

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Warren King Warren King

Gripping Tightly

As you read this passage, you can almost feel the crowd of people inch a little closer when they hear the rich, young ruler’s question for Jesus. Even though they were captivated by His miracles, finding out the answer to this question…

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Tony Ripa Tony Ripa

The Whole Thing

King David, the author of Psalm 138 & 139, speaks of giving thanks to God with his WHOLE heart. He invites God to search it COMPLETELY. Not selective parts. Not just what is convenient and cleaned up. Not merely those places that are safe and require little to no vulnerability. 

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Tony Ripa Tony Ripa

The Great Revealer

Just like people, money is something we all have a relationship with. But here's the thing: our relationship with money is as unique as each one of us. You see, money isn't just paper bills, electronic debit cards, and metal coins; it reflects our values, priorities, and fears. It can bring out the best and the worst in us, depending on how we choose to engage with it.

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Tony Ripa Tony Ripa

It’s Complicated

If money were a person, what would your relationship with them look like? Would it be a strained, complicated bond or a healthy, thriving connection? Fear can create distance, avoidance can lead to neglect, and pride and arrogance can strain our finances like a bad breakup. Discontentment can keep us constantly chasing more, and selfishness can turn us into emotional spenders. These money struggles are common and relatable, but there's hope. Like any relationship, our connection with money can be formed and shaped!

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Tony Ripa Tony Ripa

Mutual Concern

Today, I want to dive into a topic that lies at the heart of what it means to be a community of faith—a concept that can potentially transform our lives and the world around us. You see, unity isn't some lofty, unattainable goal. It's a practical, tangible expression of love in action. Mutual concern makes that love visible and sets it in motion.

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Tony Ripa Tony Ripa

Because He Loved

"We love because he first loved us." These eight simple words hold the essence of our faith journey. Our love, our capacity to love, and our ability to love others all begin with God's love for us. Before we could even fathom love, God was loving us. Before we had a chance to earn it, God was pouring out His love upon us. The very source of love, grace, and mercy flows from His heart.

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Tony Ripa Tony Ripa

Nourishing Your Relationships

Life is a grand adventure, filled with twists and turns, but the relationships we build are the heart of it all. But here's the thing: these relationships are not always convenient. No, they often entail a cost – a cost that's worth every penny, every ounce of effort.

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Tony Ripa Tony Ripa

Live It Out

It's not enough to simply know the Gospel; we're called to be living testaments of it. We're called to become the good news ourselves! Think about it for a moment. The Gospel isn't just a set of doctrines or words on a page. It's a life-altering, heart-transforming force meant to shake us to our core. And when we truly grasp its power, we can't help but be changed by it. We become the embodiment of that radical, all-encompassing love and compassion.

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Tony Ripa Tony Ripa

Strive For

In these words from the Apostle Paul, we find a simple yet profound exhortation to guide our daily lives as followers of Christ. His words beautifully capture the essence of Christian living in just a few sentences. Sol, let's dive into each of these elements and discover how they can shape our spiritual journey and our relationships with one another.

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Tony Ripa Tony Ripa

Cultivating Trust

Trust is a precious commodity in the bustling streets of our modern world. We seem to live in an age where trust is fragile and easily broken. But as we navigate this complex terrain, let us turn to the timeless wisdom of Scripture, especially the words of the apostle Paul in 1 Corinthians 13 and Galatians 5, to guide us in cultivating trust in our lives.

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Tony Ripa Tony Ripa

Belief in Action

As it stands, the academy sees Christianity as a faith that is hyper-focused on thinking the “right things” rather than living out moral principles. People outside the Church see us with our heads stuck in our Bibles, but they don’t see us act on the wisdom we find there.

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Tony Ripa Tony Ripa

How The Music Happens

Life is a lot like a beautiful symphony, with each of us playing a unique instrument. And when we learn to appreciate and embrace the diversity in our lives, something truly magical happens.

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Tony Ripa Tony Ripa

Enlighten Our Hearts

If we’re hoping to see good in the world, we’ll catch glimpses of joy, beauty, and forgiveness. But, on the flip side, if we view the world through a lens of cynicism and negativity, our eyes won’t be disappointed. We always find what we’re looking for. 

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Tony Ripa Tony Ripa

A Lonely Reminder

Our world is more connected than ever through the wonders of technology, yet the epidemic of loneliness continues to spread like wildfire. Loneliness is often viewed as a personal failure, a weakness, or a testament to our inability to connect with others. But what if we shift our perspective and see loneliness as a sign that we are meant for companionship and shared experiences?

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Tony Ripa Tony Ripa

A Sacred Responsibility

We often find ourselves yearning for a place to belong, where our souls can rest. Yet, in the pursuit of belonging, we must not forget that this privilege comes with a sacred responsibility.

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