Mutual Concern

Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others. Philippians 2:3-4


Today, I want to dive into a topic that lies at the heart of what it means to be a community of faith—a concept that can potentially transform our lives and the world around us.

You see, unity isn't some lofty, unattainable goal. It's a practical, tangible expression of love in action. Mutual concern makes that love visible and sets it in motion.

Mutual concern means we don't merely acknowledge one another's struggles from a distance; we step right into the arena with our friends when they're going through tough times. It's about rolling up our sleeves, getting our hands dirty, and saying, "I'm here with you. We're in this together." Just like Jesus, who didn't stand at a distance when Lazarus was in the tomb. No, He wept with Mary and Martha. He entered into their pain, and that's what mutual concern calls us to do.

But it's not just about being there for others. It's about inviting others to be there for us when we face our battles. We don't have to go alone when we're in the thick of life's challenges. Mutual concern gives us the courage to reach out and say, "I need you. Will you stand with me?" This vulnerability fosters the kind of deep bonds that are central to our faith.

Mutual concern is a bedrock of Christian unity. In a world that often elevates self-interest and individualism, the church should be where selflessness and mutual concern take center stage. It's about embodying the selfless love of Christ, who laid down His life for His friends.

But it's not just in the tough times that mutual concern shines. When someone in our community experiences joy, we celebrate with them. We don't just offer polite congratulations; we genuinely rejoice because their joy is ours. This shared joy amplifies the bonds of unity and reinforces our sense of belonging to a loving and supportive family.

To practice mutual concern, we need to cultivate humility. We must lay aside our pride, recognizing that unity requires a collective effort. It's about looking beyond our interests and genuinely considering the interests of others, just as the Apostle Paul encouraged us to do.

Mutual concern is the secret sauce of Christian unity. The practical, everyday expression of love sets us apart as followers of Christ. As we embody mutual concern in our lives, we become living examples of love that unite us and point the world to Christ's love's transformative power. So let's strive to excel in mutual concern, for it's through our love for one another that we shine as a light in a divided world (John 13:35).


  • How can you actively practice mutual concern in your daily life and within your faith community? 

  • What practical steps can you take to step into the struggles of others and invite them to stand with you in your challenges?


Heavenly Father, we come before You today with hearts full of gratitude for the beautiful gift of mutual concern and the unity it fosters. Lord, help us to live out this profound love in our daily lives, stepping into each other's struggles with compassion and vulnerability while celebrating one another's joys with genuine rejoicing. May our actions reflect Your selfless love, and may we continue to grow in unity, for it is through our love for one another that Your light shines brightly in this world. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.

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