Tony Ripa Tony Ripa

Defining Anger

What is taking place within our hearts when we get angry? Why are we so quick to seek vengeance and retribution? There are numerous reasons for our amped-up emotions…

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Tony Ripa Tony Ripa

Don’t Forget the Salt

. Our words and actions, how we present our faith to people, have the power to make the gospel taste dry and turn people away, just as much as it does to draw people in and comfort them…

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Tony Ripa Tony Ripa


The words of Christ found in The Sermon on the Mount were a revolutionary rallying cry that confronted the hypocrisy of the religious leaders of the day. Jesus’ message set the tone for all that would come afterward…

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Tony Ripa Tony Ripa

Acceptance Redefined

We can put an awful lot of energy into gaining acceptance, so much so, that assurance is often lost on it. Consider all the consumer pursuits of life…

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Tony Ripa Tony Ripa

Keep Yourself

How much work does it take to keep yourself in your job? Or your family relationships? How much work does it take to keep yourself in a healthy eating lifestyle along with some work out routines?…

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Tony Ripa Tony Ripa

Speaking Without Thinking

During the summer before my junior year of high school, I went on a cross-cultural excursion to Germany. That trip somehow managed to be the shortest adventure and most prolonged vacation simultaneously…

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Tony Ripa Tony Ripa

Holding On

I was recently at the beach with our extended family. My family has three kids under 5, and my brother-in-law’s family has two kids under 4. All of them are old enough to move around and communicate for the most part…

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Tony Ripa Tony Ripa

Spinning a Web

The main draw of our move to Carolina Beach eight years ago was warmth and beach. Coming from the mountains in the Northeast and weathering a fairly serious illness, I was ready to trade my snow shovel for a sand chair, my parka for shorts, and flip flops…

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Tony Ripa Tony Ripa

Small Decisions

Our culture is all about the next big thing. The only way to get ahead, to be recognized, to be celebrated, or get famous is with a large event. Sometimes this event can be good and sometimes bad…

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Tony Ripa Tony Ripa

New Ways

I’m not gonna lie, I get really confused when Jesus teaches in parables. See, I don’t farm, sew, shepherd sheep or make wine everyday. They are not things I think about too often, and I’m not sure you do either…

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Tony Ripa Tony Ripa

Wobbly Legs

My oldest daughter attended her first homecoming dance last year. When she came down the stairs in her dress, I had to do a double-take. Where did my little girl go? It seems like only yesterday she attempted to take her first steps…

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Tony Ripa Tony Ripa

Belong and Become

Without even knowing it, many of us keep places of our hearts off-limits to not only God but those around us….

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Tony Ripa Tony Ripa

It’s Impossible

Living a life in Christ all on one’s own is not difficult—it’s impossible…

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Tony Ripa Tony Ripa

A Little Light

A little light makes a big difference to its surroundings. I recently learned this lesson the hard way…

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Tony Ripa Tony Ripa

Stage Fright

During my freshman year of college, I took a class examining the life, lyrics, and legacy of Bob Dylan. I loved every bit of it, except for what came at the end…

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Warren King Warren King

You Are All In One

Have you ever heard a statement that stopped you in your tracks? One so bizarre that it caught you completely off-guard and made you need a double take? There are moments when I’m reading my Bible and this very thing happens…

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Warren King Warren King

You Are

While you read this devotional, don't mind me. I'll be crying in the corner, realizing I only have a year until my oldest daughter heads off to college…

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Warren King Warren King

With Confidence

Somehow the words throne, and grace don’t seem like they should go together. A throne is for someone powerful, someone who calls the shots and rules over others. When I think of someone sitting on a throne, it’s someone who is above me and superior…

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Warren King Warren King

Roaming Free

While taking the trash to the curb, I forgot to shut the door behind me. As I walked back up to the house, I noticed my error and began to panic. Rushing inside, I frantically searched for Tucker, my labradoodle, while calling out his name…

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Warren King Warren King

Never Ending

Anytime there is a special occasion like celebrating a birthday, an impressive report card, or some other moment, Madison, my oldest daughter, requests that we go to the Olive Garden. She gets giddy at the mere mention of their…

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