Roaming Free


Jesus looked at them and said, "With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible." Matthew 19:26

And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him. Hebrews 11:6


While taking the trash to the curb, I forgot to shut the door behind me. As I walked back up to the house, I noticed my error and began to panic. Rushing inside, I frantically searched for Tucker, my labradoodle, while calling out his name.

Sitting quietly there on his blanket, he lifted his head, confused over all this commotion. Finally, after catching my breath and allowing my pulse to come down, I realized times have changed and felt a bit sad.

You see, Tucker was an elite runner. He was the canine version of Harry Houdini, the greatest of escape artists. If Tucker saw an opportunity, regardless of how small, he would jump into action. Tucker had no problem taking out anything that stood in his way, including my mother, mother-in-law, and three separate dog sitters (true story).

Years have passed, he's grown older, and now Tucker has resigned himself to indoor life. The thrill of the chase has fizzled away. The memories of roaming free grow fainter as each day passes.

Some days, if I'm honest, it feels like I'm right there with Tucker. Moments of "running free," stepping out in faith, and feeling like I was living out God's purpose seem so distant. The mundane, predictable, and easy way win out as the excuses flow and doubt takes over. The circumstances facing me seem too daunting. In other words, I've passed over my hopes and dreams and, instead, settled for life in the doghouse.

But I was meant to run free. And so were you. Faith is only faith when it is lived out and experienced, which can't happen if we're stuck indoors.

All our hopes for transformation rest on our willingness to pursue Christ's heart with reckless abandon. It entails action and stepping out into the unknown. Growth happens when we push forward. And just like Tucker feels when the wind was whipping through his hair, joy fills our hearts with every obedient step we take.


  • In what areas of your life have you settled and resigned yourself to the status quo? How have fear and doubt taken over?

  • What is causing you to settle instead of step out in faith?


God, I'm tired of enabling my doubt and fears to win over displaying courage. You've made me for so much more than I realize. You've called me to run and live free, full of faith and hope. May the way I spend my days point others towards Your love. In Your name, Jesus. Amen.

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