Small Decisions
“We always thank God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, when we pray for you, since we heard of your faith in Christ Jesus and of the love that you have for all the saints, because of the hope laid up for you in heaven. Of this you have heard before in the word of the truth, the gospel, which has come to you, as indeed in the whole world it is bearing fruit and increasing—as it also does among you, since the day you heard it and understood the grace of God in truth,” Colossians 1:3-6
Our culture is all about the next big thing. The only way to get ahead, to be recognized, to be celebrated, or get famous is with a large event. Sometimes this event can be good and sometimes bad. Regardless, what we often forget is that big successes as well as big fallouts are the culmination of our tiny, everyday decisions.
When I began to follow Jesus, I wanted to change the world for Him. I was convinced I needed to be doing something big that would cause immediate ripples in the world around me. After a month or two of walking with Jesus, I realized that finding such moments was not only uncommon, but impossible.
So, here I am in year 16 of walking with Jesus and I can say that everyday faith is what changes our lives. It’s found in the small decisions we make every day.
A crucial area that our everyday faith matters is our church. A weighty statement for us to consider is: Our faith matters to our church and our church needs our faith.
Every action, word, and investment we make in our church is a chance for us to influence the world around us.
When we look at the people who decided to follow and keep the movement of Jesus going after His resurrection, we will notice they made some incredible moves in the world. But it was not one grand gesture that propelled them into their purpose. It was the nitty gritty, everyday steps of faith that paved their way. When we read the accounts of what happened in the Book of Acts, nothing was over the top. The disciples trusted in what they saw from their resurrected Savior and results followed.
So, how do you view your faith? Do you struggle with feeling as though your faith can make a difference in someone’s life? Do you struggle to believe that your faith contributes to the mission of your local church, and the body of the Church?
If you are wrestling with this, consider how you are investing in your daily faith. When you wake up, do you invest time with Scripture and prayer, or Facebook and news? As your day goes on and life tries to wear you down, do you lean towards that iced coffee or sweet treat to get you through, or do you take a moment to breathe and look at the Father? When you finally have a moment to relax, do you binge watch shows or find ways to spur your heart towards Jesus?
Small daily decisions can stretch and grow our faith. As our faith stretches and grows, it benefits those around us. Our faith influences others. Let’s never forget that the investments we make into our faith will reach more people than we know!
● What daily practices can you introduce to your faith?
● How are you going to take your faith into your people groups and church?
Father, I am grateful for all that You have done for me. My faith in You does not come from hearsay or stories; my faith is founded in Your resurrected life. I pray my faith continues to grow and stretch so that it grows Your kingdom. I pray this all in Your name, Amen.
Port City writer Davy Nance wrote today’s devotional.