Warren King Warren King

Take Them Out

A few years back, we were cleaning out my grandparent's house. Decades of memories, we gently placed in either moving boxes or the trash bin. We worked all day to get the house ready to be shown by the local realtor. Eventually, we got their place cleared except for a few large pieces of furniture – couches, beds, tables, and desks…

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Warren King Warren King

A Time To

Time is one of the most unstoppable forces in this life. Despite our best efforts, there is no slowing it down. King Solomon saying, “there is a time for everything” highlights the tension of time and the peace and nervousness it brings…

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Warren King Warren King

More Than Results

I want to thank whoever came up with the "brilliant" idea of Powerschool which enables students to have 24/7, real-time access to their grades. Being the parent of a daughter who has an uber-driven Type A personality, you have added a great deal of unneeded angst and stress to our household. Out of nowhere, with a simple click of a button, a flood of anxiety and frustration can wash over her…

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Warren King Warren King

6,000 Thoughts

Studies show that on average people have 6,000 thoughts per day. Holy moly. That number hurts my brain just thinking about it! Can you even imagine what you think of in the span of an hour…

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Warren King Warren King


Rest always feels like a place that lies just beyond our reach. We think that as soon as we get things under our control, then we will experience those precious moments of rest…

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Warren King Warren King

Choosing Silence

One of the blessings we have in the United States is freedom of speech. There are some oppressive countries where systems are put in place to silence people's voices, depending on their gender, race, or economic status. Unfortunately, we have twisted our freedom of speech, believing we have the freedom to say whatever we want…

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Warren King Warren King


I got into my car over the weekend, and it looked like a bomb went off in it. Oh, the joys of sharing a vehicle with Madison, my teenage daughter. With her busy school and social schedule, our combo car has complied a lot of "stuff:" numerous outfits, hair ties, textbooks, running shoes. A fast-food wrapper or two also made an appearance, along with stray receipts and an ungodly amount of Starbucks cups…

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Warren King Warren King


During my junior year of college, I had the opportunity to travel to Ireland on a cross-cultural trip. Everything about this experience was a treasure: the people were welcoming, the history was rich, and the food made my belly oh so happy…

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Warren King Warren King

Is It Wise?

We’ve all had numerous people who gave us advice that went “in one ear and out the other.” To take this to another level, we’ve probably caught ourselves giving the same advice to someone else and as we hear it come out of our mouths we’ve realized that we don’t even heed what we’re saying. Our greatest regrets could’ve been avoided if we asked, “What is the wise thing to do?” and acted on our conclusions…

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Warren King Warren King

Mailing It In

One of my greatest regrets in life is not taking school seriously. For the most part, I mailed it in by going through the motions and resting on my laurels. My parents told me I was too smart for my own good, and I think they were right. Friends who pulled all-nighters cramming for a test would often be livid at me…

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Warren King Warren King

Greatest Desire

What is your greatest desire? Nothing like a loaded question to start off your day. But, how you answer this question is important. It reveals a great deal about your priorities, and, sometimes without you even knowing it, influences the direction and course of your pursuits…

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Warren King Warren King

Where You Remain

Integrity is who you are when no one is looking. Over the years this definition of integrity has become extremely popular in capturing what integrity looks like. Even though there is a great deal of truth to the statement, the definition in and of itself is incomplete…

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Warren King Warren King

Game Night

Have you ever played a game with a group of people that had too many rules? We all reach a point where the long list of rules makes it impossible to follow, enjoy, or even decide on a winner…

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Warren King Warren King

The Point Of No Return

Have you ever been lost? I mean really lost? Like deep, dark, terrifying, can’t go back type of lost? I recently heard someone refer to this as The Point of No Return…

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Warren King Warren King

Who’s My Neighbor

Growing up on a farm with a decent amount of land, I didn't have many "neighbors." The family living next door was a far way off. So, my perspective of what makes someone a neighbor was largely shaped by my grandpa…

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Warren King Warren King

Rolling In The Mud

As I watched the rain continue to pour down, the more frustrated I became. It was the early morning, and I still had bedhead and bad breath. All I wanted was to get a few more minutes underneath the covers. Meg, our puppy, had different plans, which mostly involved running through the puddles and rolling around in the muddy grass… 

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Warren King Warren King

Shouting Louder

Ten. That's the number of unsolicited political text messages I received today...scratch that, eleven (no phone buzzed as I was typing these words). I'm not a campaign strategist, but I doubt the best approach to swaying an independent voter like myself is spamming their phone at all hours of the day and night. Rather than just blocking their numbers, which is a futile venture in itself, I have resorted to replying with snarky responses for my amusement…

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Warren King Warren King

What We Sow

What would it look like to create space for our hearts to begin to shift towards God’s heart and the little things that matter most? God has called us to cultivate the plot of land He has planted us on. This starts by investing and paying attention to the little things…

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Warren King Warren King

Limiting Forgiveness

At first glance, we might look down at Peter’s suggestion of only forgiving someone seven times. However, in actuality, he was going beyond the religious duties expected of him. Rabbis of that time taught you only needed to forgive…

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Warren King Warren King

At His Feet

Is anybody else consumed with busyness? Unfortunately, everyone could probably raise their hand. We do our best to argue that this world and culture provide us more opportunities than ever to be busy, but ultimately it’s a choice…

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