My son, pay attention to what I say; turn your ear to my words.
Do not let them out of your sight, keep them within your heart; for they are life to those who find them and health to one's whole body.
Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it. Proverbs 4:20-23
I got into my car over the weekend, and it looked like a bomb went off in it. Oh, the joys of sharing a vehicle with Madison, my teenage daughter. With her busy school and social schedule, our combo car has complied a lot of "stuff:" numerous outfits, hair ties, textbooks, running shoes. A fast-food wrapper or two also made an appearance, along with stray receipts and an ungodly amount of Starbucks cups.
When I confronted Madi about the car's current situation, she stated it wasn't that bad. It wasn't until I took her out to the driveway that the reality of the mess sunk in. She didn't realize it had gotten so out of control.
I can relate. When I was in high school, I treated my first car much the same way. I grew comfortable with the chaos and mess. I'd look around my car and recognize things weren’t as they should be, but it didn't move me to act. I promised myself that next weekend I would finally clean it out, but something always seemed to come up. So, the clutter remained and worsened over time.
Unfortunately, most of us treat our hearts in much the same way. We don't pause and consider what's happening on the inside. We're so busy with surface-level things of life that we forget to number our days and tend to our hearts. We become so preoccupied with getting our lives to a manageable point or a better future that we miss both the moment right now and the reality of the coming eternity.
We don't realize the damage ignoring our hearts can cause. Our actions and behaviors are just symptoms of a more significant problem. They serve as revealers as to what is taking place inside our hearts. Every action has some underlying belief that remains below the surface if we don't pause and reflect. Why do I do what I do? What is driving my behavior? What do my actions say about what's occurring inside my heart?
Instead, we settle for behavior modification rather than real heart change. We seek a transformation that we can't accomplish on our own. We might be able to change our behavior, but we are incapable of mending our hearts. We focus on behavior. God focuses on the heart. We must position ourselves to focus and depend on God's work in our hearts and lives.
God doesn't help those who help themselves. God helps those who abide in Him, those who walk with Him in faith. Our efforts have never the impetus for God's transforming grace. So, they won't be the impetus for our changed hearts either. Our efforts are not the source of the change we are after; they can't be. Rather, they get us in a position for God to change us.
Reflect over these past few days. What do your actions say about what's occurring inside your heart?
In what situations is God transforming your heart?
God, help me to tend to my heart. May I not settle for changing my behavior, but rather trust that You are willing to transform my heart. Help me to trust the process. Give me the endurance to continue on when things get challenging. In Your name, Jesus. Amen.