Tony Ripa Tony Ripa

Love One Another

In the bustling room where Jesus reclined with his disciples during the Last Supper, a heavy atmosphere lingered with the weight of impending events hanging in the air like a thick fog. Amidst the murmurs and the clinking of cups, Jesus spoke with an importance that caught every ear. "One of you will betray me," He declared, His words piercing through the chatter like a sharp sword. 

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Tony Ripa Tony Ripa

Towel and Basin

In today’s passage, Jesus and His friends gathered around a table for an evening of community, food, and celebration. While conversations broke out all around, no one mentioned the neglected towel and basin in the corner. It was custom in that day for a lowly servant to perform the humbling act of ceremonially washing the guest's feet, but that hadn't taken place. No one imagined Jesus, their beloved teacher and rabbi, would be the one to stand up and grab the towel, but He did. 

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Tony Ripa Tony Ripa


In today's passage, we see Jesus talking with a group of Greeks and thinking about why he came. He compares his upcoming death to a seed being planted in the ground. Just like a seed needs to be buried to grow into something new, Jesus needs to die to bring abundant life to those who believe in him. The seed image shows how life can come from death. When you look at a seed, it seems lifeless, but inside it holds the potential for growth and abundance.

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Tony Ripa Tony Ripa

Extravagant Love

As the sun dipped low in the sky, casting its warm glow over the humble home of Lazarus, Mary, and Martha, something extraordinary unfolded. A gathering of friends, sharing laughter and stories, nestled around a table laden with food. In the midst of it all, Mary, known for her gentle spirit and compassionate heart, approaches Jesus. But it's not her words that captivate us; it's her actions. With a flask of costly perfume in her hand, Mary breaks its seal and pours it over the feet of Jesus, anointing him with a fragrance that fills the room. The scent of her sacrifice permeates the air, a tangible reminder of her love and devotion to the one who had touched her life in profound ways.

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Tony Ripa Tony Ripa

Entered In

At one point or another, we've all questioned God's timing. He seems distant and aloof. He doesn't show up when we need Him. He fails to intervene in a situation. And we're left scratching our heads and wondering, "WHY?" In moments of questioning God's timing, we echo the struggles of biblical figures like Mary and Martha awaiting Jesus's help for their dying brother, Lazarus. Expecting immediate intervention, they grappled with doubt as Jesus delayed, seemingly indifferent. With every minute that passed, an internal wrestling match took place in both Mary and Martha. And as they witnessed Lazarus pass, frustration, cynicism, and doubt met their tears. Why would Jesus wait? Did He not care? Yet, when Jesus finally arrived after Lazarus's passing, He revealed a greater purpose: to deepen belief in His power and give a visible example of Him serving as the “resurrection and life.”.

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Tony Ripa Tony Ripa

I Am The Good Shepherd

A shepherd lived amongst his flock and served as their guide, protector, and caregiver. Sheep weren't wild animals; they belonged to a shepherd who tended to their well-being. In John 10, Jesus utilizes familiar imagery to help his audience get a glimpse to God’s heart by referring to Himself as the Good Shepherd who would give His life for His sheep. Jesus knows us, cares for us, protects us, and watches over us. Just like sheep, we’re defenseless, unable to protect ourselves from what life throws our way. It’s not IF the wolves will come, but WHEN. Sadly, troubles, hardship, and adversity are part of calling a broken world home. These wolves come in all shapes and sizes, but have the same intent: to isolate us, breed fear, and make us question if God cares about our plights. 

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Tony Ripa Tony Ripa

I Am The Gate

In the ancient days of shepherding, there was constant vigilance required to protect the flocks from lurking predators. Through the night, shepherds diligently gathered their sheep into makeshift folds for safety. Often, these enclosures accommodated multiple flocks tended by different shepherds, where the shepherd himself stood as the sole gateway to the sheep's security. It was in the intimacy of this relationship that the sheep learned to discern their shepherd's voice, faithfully following it as dawn broke.

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Tony Ripa Tony Ripa

In The Dark

One day, as Jesus was walking, he came across a man who had been blind since birth. Moved by compassion, Jesus healed the man's blindness. When Jesus asked him if he believed in the Son of God, the healed man told Jesus yes and began to worship. News of this miraculous healing spread, attracting the attention of the Pharisees, who came to investigate.

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Tony Ripa Tony Ripa

Free Indeed

What is this truth that Jesus speaks of? It's not merely a collection of facts or doctrines. It's a person—Jesus himself. He is the embodiment of truth, the living Word who came to dwell among us. In a world clouded by uncertainty and deception, Jesus offers clarity and freedom. But freedom from what? The answer lies in the context of Jesus' words. He's addressing a crowd bound by religious legalism and spiritual blindness. Shackled by the weight of their own self-righteousness, they’re unable to see the liberating truth standing right in front of them. 

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Tony Ripa Tony Ripa

Never Walk in Darkness

Today, we encounter Jesus talking to a large crowd, after extending grace to a woman caught in adultery. Those who dropped their stones and left have returned, perplexed by this radical display of love. It is in this moment that Jesus speaks about a light that brings hope to the darkness in our world, and at times, inside our hearts. He proclaims Himself as the light of the world that offers not just illumination, but transformation, clarity, and direction. 

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Tony Ripa Tony Ripa

Go Now

While the heated debate raged on, the religious leaders dragged a woman caught in adultery before Jesus; her shame laid bare for all to see. The crowd waited eagerly, stones in hand, ready to cast judgment upon her. Yet, Jesus responded with compassion and wisdom, cutting through the condemnation like a gentle breeze through a storm. In this powerful encounter, we see the heart of God revealed in all its fullness. Jesus, the embodiment of grace and truth, extends mercy to the broken and forgiveness to the repentant. 

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Tony Ripa Tony Ripa

Bread of Life

Throughout the Gospel of John, Jesus attempted to give His disciples and the crowds that followed a way to grasp who stood before them. Often, it came in the form of "I am..." statements that spoke about His character and essence. In today's passage, we encounter the first “I am” declaration when Jesus describes Himself as "the bread of life."  A claim like that would also perk up the ears of the Jewish crowd. He already had a captivated audience, having just pulled off a culinary miracle by feeding 5,000 people with five loaves and two fish.

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Tony Ripa Tony Ripa

Nothing Wasted

Today, we encounter a scene where Jesus performs one of His most remarkable miracles – feeding the five thousand. Picture this: A vast crowd had followed Jesus, eager to witness His miracles and hear His teachings. As evening approached, the disciples grew concerned about the hunger of the people. Yet, they could hardly fathom the solution Jesus proposed – feeding thousands with just five loaves of bread and two fish.

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Tony Ripa Tony Ripa

Searching Scripture

After Jesus performed a miraculous healing on the Sabbath, debates, disagreements, and disputes broke out amongst the religious leaders. They were upset not only because Jesus had violated their interpretation of Sabbath laws but also because He had claimed equality with God, calling God His Father. In response to their angry accusations, Jesus speaks with passion and conviction - His tone more cutting and direct than usual.

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Tony Ripa Tony Ripa

Do You Want to Get Well?

Today's passage opens with Jesus near the Sheep Gate in Jerusalem, where a pool called Bethesda was located. An angel was believed to stir up the waters, and the first person to step into the pool each day would be healed. Among the many sick and disabled people waiting by the pool, Jesus saw a man who had been an invalid for thirty-eight years. 

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Tony Ripa Tony Ripa

Ripe for Harvest

As today’s passage opens up, we find Jesus having a conversation with his disciples after encountering the Samaritan woman at the well. When they offer him food, he tells them about a nourishment that goes beyond physical hunger—a satisfaction found in fulfilling God's purpose and doing His will. Jesus compares the work of sharing the good news to farming: sowing seeds, waiting for the harvest, and rejoicing together.

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Tony Ripa Tony Ripa

Living Water

In John 4:1-26, we find Jesus on a journey through Samaria. Now, to understand the significance of this journey, we need to grasp the cultural context. Jews typically avoided Samaria, choosing longer routes to bypass it due to deep-seated prejudices and historical animosities. However, Jesus, in His infinite wisdom, knew that He had to go through Samaria. It wasn't just a geographical necessity; it was a divine appointment waiting to happen.

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Tony Ripa Tony Ripa

Born Again

In the quiet of the night, under the cloak of darkness, a Pharisee named Nicodemus approached Jesus with curiosity swirling in his heart. Perhaps he had seen the signs, heard the whispers, or felt a stirring within his soul. Whatever the reason, Nicodemus sought out Jesus, not in the light of day where eyes could see and ears could hear, but in the shadowy embrace of night. As Nicodemus grappled with questions, Jesus responded with profound simplicity, inviting him into a conversation, utilizing the metaphor of birth to illustrate the spiritual transformation required to enter the Kingdom of God. 

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Tony Ripa Tony Ripa

Water into Wine

In John 2, we find two remarkable events that reveal profound truths about Jesus, His ministry, and His heart for us. First, we're introduced to Jesus' first recorded miracle, where He turns water into wine at a wedding in Cana (verses 1-12). This event holds profound significance, not just in its miraculous nature, but in what it reveals about Jesus' character and purpose.

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Tony Ripa Tony Ripa

Come and See

In the quiet moments of reflection, we hear His gentle call: "Come and see." Andrew's response echoes through time—a simple "yes" that changed everything. As we, too, respond to His invitation, we're drawn into a journey of discovery, encountering the depths of His love and grace. But it doesn't end there. Just as Andrew couldn't contain his joy, we're compelled to share the good news with others (verses 40-42). In our words and actions, let's reflect the transformative power of encountering Jesus. 

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