Free Indeed

To reflect God’s heart to the world around us, we need to know God’s heart and, we believe, God’s heart is most clearly represented in Jesus. In the weeks leading up to Easter, we invite you to explore the life of Jesus by reading the Gospel of John with us. As we delve into the richness of scripture, we’ll utilize the ancient practice of Lectio Divina, which invites us to slow down and posture our hearts to hear from God. With that said, let’s begin with a prayer:

Open your time by reciting these words:

Lord, as I approach scripture, prepare my heart to encounter You in its pages. Quiet the distractions that pull me away and open my eyes to see Your truth. May I encounter these words humbly, with an open mind and a receptive spirit. May my time in Scripture be a sacred encounter that deepens my relationship with You and transforms me into the image of Your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.

Lectio (Reading)

Take a moment to read John 8:31-59 slowly and attentively. As you read, pay attention to any words or phrases that stand out to you. Allow the text to wash over you, inviting the Holy Spirit to speak to your heart.

To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, “If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” John 8:31-32

So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed. John 8:36

Meditatio (Meditation)

What is this truth that Jesus speaks of? It's not merely a collection of facts or doctrines. It's a person—Jesus himself. He is the embodiment of truth, the living Word who came to dwell among us. In a world clouded by uncertainty and deception, Jesus offers clarity and freedom. But freedom from what? The answer lies in the context of Jesus' words. He's addressing a crowd bound by religious legalism and spiritual blindness. Shackled by the weight of their own self-righteousness, they’re unable to see the liberating truth standing right in front of them. 

So, when Jesus emphasized the importance of following his teachings, which he said would lead to discovering the liberating truth, some listeners, protested, claiming they were already free. Jesus challenged this notion by explaining that everyone who falls into sin is, in fact, a slave to it. 

For centuries, they've been striving to earn their way to God through adherence to laws and traditions. But Jesus declares that true freedom comes not through human effort, but through a relationship with him. It's a radical idea that challenges their deeply entrenched beliefs.

Take a moment to reflect on the words you have read. Pay close attention to the dialogue between Jesus and the Jews, noting the themes of truth, freedom, and identity. Consider Jesus' profound declaration in verse 58, "Before Abraham was born, I am!" Reflect on the significance of Jesus identifying Himself as the eternal "I Am." 

Contemplatio (Contemplation)

Embracing the truth of Jesus means embracing freedom—a freedom that liberates us from the tyranny of sin, the bondage of guilt, and the chains of despair. It is a freedom that empowers us to live authentically, to pursue righteousness, and to fulfill our God-given purpose. Yet, embracing the truth of Jesus requires courage. It requires humility to acknowledge our need for Him, honesty to confront our own shortcomings, and faith to surrender control to His lordship. But in surrendering to Jesus, we discover the ultimate freedom—the freedom to be who God created us to be, the freedom to live in alignment with His will, and the freedom to experience abundant life to the fullest.

Take a moment to reflect on the areas in your life where you long for greater freedom. Offer them to the Lord in prayer, trusting in his promise to set you free through his truth.

Actio (Action)

Jesus offered a transformative invitation: "If you hold to my teaching..." He didn't merely call for passive agreement but active engagement: a commitment of heart, mind, and soul. True discipleship isn't marked by occasional nods of assent but by a daily, intentional choice to abide, trust, and take a step of faith. To abide in Christ's teaching is to dwell in the realm of truth, for he is the embodiment of truth itself. In knowing Christ and embracing his teachings, we find liberation—a freedom not from external constraints alone but from the very bondage of sin and falsehood that entangles our souls.

Take a moment to consider the day before you and all the tasks and responsibilities headed your way. What would it look like to hold to his teachings? As you go about your day, intentionally seek opportunities to align your thoughts, words, and actions with the teachings of Jesus. Let love, compassion, and truth guide your interactions with others, reflecting the transformative power of Christ in your life.

Oratio (Prayer)

Close your time by reciting this prayer or lifting up your own:

Lord Jesus, grant me the grace to cling steadfastly to your words. May your truth permeate every corner of my being, setting me free from all that hinders me from fully experiencing the abundant life you offer. Help me to surrender my will to yours, to walk in the path of obedience and trust with unwavering faith. Amen.

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