Searching Scripture

To reflect God’s heart to the world around us, we need to know God’s heart and, we believe, God’s heart is most clearly represented in Jesus. In the weeks leading up to Easter, we invite you to explore the life of Jesus by reading the Gospel of John with us. As we delve into the richness of scripture, we’ll utilize the ancient practice of Lectio Divina, which invites us to slow down and posture our hearts to hear from God. With that said, let’s begin with a prayer:

Open your time by reciting these words:

Lord, as I approach scripture, prepare my heart to encounter You in its pages. Quiet the distractions that pull me away and open my eyes to see Your truth. May I encounter these words humbly, with an open mind and a receptive spirit. May my time in Scripture be a sacred encounter that deepens my relationship with You and transforms me into the image of Your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.

Lectio (Reading)

Take a moment to read John 5:30-47 slowly and attentively. As you read, pay attention to any words or phrases that stand out to you. Allow the text to wash over you, inviting the Holy Spirit to speak to your heart.

“You study the Scriptures diligently because you think that in them you have eternal life. These are the very Scriptures that testify about me, yet you refuse to come to me to have life.” John 5:39-40

Meditatio (Meditation)

After Jesus performed a miraculous healing on the Sabbath, debates, disagreements, and disputes broke out amongst the religious leaders. They were upset not only because Jesus had violated their interpretation of Sabbath laws but also because He had claimed equality with God, calling God His Father. In response to their angry accusations, Jesus speaks with passion and conviction - His tone more cutting and direct than usual. He emphasizes that truth resides not in a principle but in a person. The Scriptures, which the Jewish leaders revered, pointed to Him as the promised Messiah, yet they refused to believe in Him. Despite their familiarity with the Scriptures, they failed to recognize the truth standing before them. Jesus offers more than a mere proclamation of His authority; He presents a radical shift in perception—the truth embodied in His very being. 

Take a moment to reflect on the words you have read. Listen for the voice of Jesus speaking to you through these verses. Bask in the truth that Jesus is the living Word, and in Him, we find the path to eternal life.

Contemplatio (Contemplation)

How often do we, like the religious leaders, overlook the voice of truth in pursuit of our own agendas? There are moments when we allow our pride and preconceptions to blind us to recognize where life resides. We focus on outward appearance at the expense of inward transformation - we push the rules and lose sight of the most important relationship. Legalism obscures the grace and mercy of God. When we mistake trivia for depth and dependency, we can easily fall into the same pattern as the religious leaders, pursuing knowledge at the expense of walking by faith. Sadly, one can have all the “answers” yet miss the point.

Take a moment to reflect on where pride and legalistic tendencies are inhibiting your pursuit of Christ. Consider whether your focus is primarily on following rules or on cultivating a deep, personal relationship with God characterized by grace and love. Invite the Holy Spirit to reveal any areas where legalism may be hindering your spiritual growth, and ask for the wisdom and courage to embrace a mindset of grace-filled living centered on the person of Jesus.

Actio (Action)

In the clamor of competing voices, discerning truth can feel like searching for a whisper in a storm. Yet, amidst the chaos, Jesus extends an invitation—an invitation to embrace the truth personified in Him. He invites us to lay down our burdens of doubt and skepticism, to open our hearts to His transformative love and grace. For Jesus is not merely a teacher or a prophet; He is the embodiment of truth itself. In Him, we find the source of unwavering certainty in an uncertain world.

Take a moment to reflect on the voices that currently influence your beliefs and decisions. Consider how embracing Jesus as the embodiment of truth could bring clarity and peace amidst the chaos of conflicting messages.

Oratio (Prayer)

Close your time by reciting this prayer or lifting up your own:

Heavenly Father, in the midst of doubt and skepticism, we come before You, seeking clarity and wisdom. Open our hearts to recognize the voice of truth in the words of Jesus, who came to reveal Your will and purpose. Grant us the courage to align our lives with His teachings and to embrace Him as the embodiment of Your truth. Amen.

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