Tony Ripa Tony Ripa

Pure Words

I’m not a jewelry guy. Now, I was more than willing to go a little on the pricey side for my wife’s Denise’s ring, but I made sure I showed her some wedding bands for me on Amazon that were $30. I did not want something pricey on my hand, knowing that as soon as someone gives me a basketball, I am going to take the ring off and go play…

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Tony Ripa Tony Ripa

Star of the Week

Being "Star of the Week" in Mr. Holt's class, my second-grade teacher, was a big deal. The recognition came with some special privileges. You were able to bring something extra for show and tell, pick out the book for story time, and take notes to the front office…

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Tony Ripa Tony Ripa

A Light to My Path

We will never make a sacrifice for God’s Kingdom when our most significant concern is our own needs and well-being. We often speak about faith, but deep down inside, we crave certainty. Rather than yearning for certainty, we must pursue clarity. Clarity is knowing what we should do…

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Tony Ripa Tony Ripa

I Know The Plans

We write it on Hallmark cards, post it to our Instagram story, cross-stitch it to a pillow, and use it to encourage a person struggling to understand God's will. Jeremiah 29:11 is one of our most beloved, yet most misunderstood, verses in the entire Bible…

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Tony Ripa Tony Ripa

Scripture Reads Us

To reflect God's heart, we must know God's heart, and the Bible helps us see His heart, character, and ways. The Bible is a collection of writings demonstrating God's love, pursuit, and promise of redemption. God-breathed and sovereignly preserved, it reveals to us who God is and what He has to say, ultimately pointing us to Jesus Christ as the most apparent revelation of God. 

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Tony Ripa Tony Ripa

Only You Can Play

My kindergarten class put on a play for our entire elementary school with me playing the distinguished role of Tree #2. All I had to do was hold my arms above my head, look dapper in my brown and green sweater, and recite one line…

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Tony Ripa Tony Ripa

Practice These Things

The word "practice" causes people to cringe for plenty of reasons. It stirs up a host of different emotions. For some, this word brings back memories of long days of being yelled at by a coach. For others, practice has left scars after pouring everything into a dream and failing to work out. Regardless of how the word makes us feel, practice doesn't lead to perfection, but it does spur on progress and growth…

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Tony Ripa Tony Ripa

The Test of Time

These well-known words are from the prophet Isaiah. The entire chapter is all about the greatness of God. Isaiah wanted the people to look at the world around them as a reminder that everything on this earth will wither. There is no object or person on this earth, now or ever, that will be able to outdo time. But God and his word will stand forever…

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Tony Ripa Tony Ripa

Dwell Among You

Have you ever experienced something so frustrating or stressful that it consumes you? It is the first thing you think about when you wake up and the last thing you think about as you fall asleep? Maybe it is just me, but there have been instances like this when the frustration of my circumstances took rule in my heart instead of the peace of Christ….

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Tony Ripa Tony Ripa


Florence. Matthew. Floyd. Dorian. Fran. For those of us who live on the coast of North Carolina, we know the devastation these powerful hurricanes caused - homes destroyed, lives lost, businesses flooded. Even as a twenty-year transplant to Wilmington, I still get a bit anxious when a strong storm rolls in, mainly due to the massive Sweet Gum tree that towers over the side of my house….

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Tony Ripa Tony Ripa

Crashing Down

My introverted self loves rainy days and the quiet time at home it brings. When my girls were younger, we'd often watch movies or play cards and board games - now that they're teenagers, they binge-watch Netflix, play on their iPads, or FaceTime their friends. But I digress…

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Tony Ripa Tony Ripa

Back to the Basics

Two years ago, my husband and I bought our first pop-up camper. Amid the Coronavirus pandemic and travel restrictions, we knew we had to invest in some form of a summer vacation plan that would allow us to explore and adventure with our kids. The solution: camping! 

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Tony Ripa Tony Ripa

You May Have Life

When I was a sophomore in college, I studied abroad in Australia. I traveled across the world, not knowing anyone, and lived with a wonderful family. Of course, I could go down a long rabbit trail of God's provision and protection, seeing that I didn't plan much before going except buying the plane ticket, but that's a different story…

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Tony Ripa Tony Ripa

No Place to Go

The Bible contains hard truths and commands that go against our natural tendencies: forgive our enemies, don't worry about tomorrow, and control our tongue. We desire security and stability, yet, in Scripture, God urges us to walk by faith…

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Tony Ripa Tony Ripa

Hope on the Shore

This passage of Scripture speaks to God's willingness to remind us of His faithfulness when all hope seems lost. In moments of desperation, He urges us to look back on our past to remember the strength that follows us into the future.

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Tony Ripa Tony Ripa

Seeing is Believing

Let’s be honest, the disciple Thomas has a bad rap among Jesus followers. I have heard sermons where Thomas was bashed for expressing doubt. He’s even referred to as “Doubting Thomas.” What a rough way to be remembered! But both the bashing and his nickname has never sat well with me because who can blame Thomas for doubting?

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Tony Ripa Tony Ripa

Can’t Go Back

Jesus had a unique way of turning our world upside down. He never did things according to the book. He had little regard for our expectations of how things should be. The crowds who flocked to Jesus were hopeful He was "the one." This man from Bethlehem would overthrow the oppressive Roman government and lead them towards freedom…

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Tony Ripa Tony Ripa

Jesus & The Tomb

On this side of the cross, we don’t quite know what to do with Saturday of Holy Week. We know the story of God’s love does not end on the cross or inside the tomb. Death does not have the final word. But, for those who witness it firsthand, this Saturday is a dark day, full of unanswered questions. Put yourself in their shoes as you read the passage today

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Tony Ripa Tony Ripa

Jesus & The Cross

A lot has happened since the meal Jesus and his disciples shared together. Jesus is betrayed, arrested, denied, and falsely placed on trial. Jesus is condemned, beaten, and required to carry His cross to the place where He is crucified and will soon take His last breath. All hope seems lost, but then…

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Tony Ripa Tony Ripa

Jesus & His Disciples

During the Passover, stories of God’s faithfulness were told and retold over a meal. The repeating of these stories fought against the tendency to forget God’s goodness. So, it is fitting that at His last Passover, Jesus sits around a table with his closest friends, telling them a better story of His sacrificial love.

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