
Blessed is the one

who does not walk in step with the wicked

or stand in the way that sinners take

or sit in the company of mockers,

but whose delight is in the law of the Lord,

and who meditates on his law day and night.

That person is like a tree planted by streams of water,

which yields its fruit in season

and whose leaf does not wither—

whatever they do prospers. Psalm 1:1-3


Florence. Matthew. Floyd. Dorian. Fran. For those of us who live on the coast of North Carolina, we know the devastation these powerful hurricanes caused - homes destroyed, lives lost, businesses flooded. Even as a twenty-year transplant to Wilmington, I still get a bit anxious when a strong storm rolls in, mainly due to the massive Sweet Gum tree that towers over the side of my house. 

Yet, as I type these words on my porch, its limbs, filled with green leaves, sway gently to the spring breeze, unfazed from the worst Mother Nature has sent its way. The torrential rain and whipping winds have come and gone, but it remains firmly planted, its robust roots extending throughout our yard.

The book of Psalms opens with the same picture of stability and strength - a tree planted by streams of water - to describe the importance of a firm foundation. Whether it's success, money, accomplishments, family, God, or even ourselves, we all build our lives on something or someone in hopes of experiencing security. 

It's not a matter of whether storms will come our way, but when and what have we tethered our lives to protection and refuge. But, unfortunately, the things of this world are shallow, making their roots flimsy at best - incapable of sustaining us for the long haul. They leave us hard-pressed when hardship hits our front door. 

Just like the sun rises on the evil and the good, the storms of life aren't indiscriminate - falling on us all (Matthew 5:45). As followers of Christ, we need not worry because we find ourselves firmly planted in His forgiveness, love, and faithfulness. 

Psalm 1 says those who look to Him for wisdom will flourish and not whither. The more we know (and trust), the deeper our roots grow. We become like a tree planted by streams of water, soaking up every drop of life-giving truth. Keeping His truth close to our hearts protects us from every storm.

But the author of this Psalm takes it a step further. We are not just any tree, but one that produces fruit in EVERY season. Fruit nourishes others and works for their good. God does something in us so that He can accomplish things through us. The storms you encounter become part of your story that points others toward Him. 


  • What is your foundation built on? Who or what do you rely on when the storms of life come your way?

  • How can you continue to build your life on the truth of God's Word?


God, You sustain me through every storm, watching over my ways. May I build my roots on You and You alone, knowing that it is here that the stability I desire resides. May the way I respond to life's circumstances bring You glory and speak to my trust in Your love. Amen.

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