You May Have Life
"Jesus performed many other signs in the presence of his disciples, which are not recorded in this book. But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name." John 20:30-31
When I was a sophomore in college, I studied abroad in Australia. I traveled across the world, not knowing anyone, and lived with a wonderful family. Of course, I could go down a long rabbit trail of God's provision and protection, seeing that I didn't plan much before going except buying the plane ticket, but that's a different story. A few days into my trip, I met a girl my age, and her family generously welcomed me in and gave me a place to stay. More than that, though, they gave me a community. They helped me get a job, invited me to family gatherings, and let me experience what life looked like for them day in and day out. I often think about the seven months I lived with them and wish I could experience it again. It isn't so much that I want to relive the glory days, though; it is more of a longing to experience that season through the lens of how I view life today.
As a sophomore in college, my view of life, the world, and God was narrower than it is today. Hopefully, you were, or are, a much more mature college student than I was. For me though, there wasn't much I was processing or thinking deeply about; I was simply chasing fun and letting life happen. Over the last 15 years, God has worked in immeasurable ways in my heart, and I've found a deep desire to lean in and truly experience life to the fullest. It is a different feeling than just taking whatever comes and moving on. It's intentional and filling in a way I can't quiet explain. My desire to go back is a desire to take hold of my time there, immerse myself, and lean into the way of life they lived. I wish I could experience my time there knowing God and view the interactions and relationships I formed in a more profound, more meaningful way.
I think life is a little like this in general, though. The gospels are full of miracles Jesus performed, and we experience Him working every day in little and big ways. He reveals Himself through people, His Word, and nature, yet we so easily miss it. We have an idea of what God should do, and when He doesn't do that, we are quick to assume He has done nothing. We sit back and let life happen instead of grabbing hold and truly experiencing His goodness. When I read through the gospels and see all the things Jesus did in his short three years of ministry, it should compel me to believe. John says, "it is all written that we may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God." Too often, His provision is all around us, and we don't see it or believe it. We don't truly experience life to the fullest because we sit back and simply let life happen to us without much thought.
I desire to relive those seven months of my life in Australia because, at some level, I feel like I missed out on an incredible opportunity. I think it is because knowing God now and knowing the fullness of life that is available, knowing the peace that surpasses all understanding, and the deep joy of encountering Jesus changes everything. Sure, I had fun in Australia, I met many people and experienced a lot of things, but I wasn't living life to the fullest. I believe John so profoundly wanted us to experience life in this way, and I think that is what Paul felt when he sang praises of gratitude from prison. Of course, we will have eternal life with God when we trust Him, but I also believe we can experience life to the fullest today. But it doesn't happen by sitting back and letting life happen; it requires intention and formation and a deliberate choice to lean in.
In what ways are you simply sitting back and letting life happen to you
How would life look two, five, or ten years from now if you truly believed that Jesus is the Messiah?
God, thank you for life. Thank you for creating me, forming me, and revealing Yourself to me. I pray for eyes to see You; I pray for a desire to know You more, and I pray that I would intentionally choose to experience life to the fullest every day because You have made that available. Amen.
Katie Robinson, Children's Ministry Home Coordinator, wrote today's devotional.