Be Different
Do everything without grumbling or arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure, "children of God without fault in a warped and crooked generation." Then you will shine among them like stars in the sky as you hold firmly to the word of life. And then I will be able to boast on the day of Christ that I did not run or labor in vain. Philippians 2:14-16
Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling. Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God's grace in its various forms. 1 Peter 4:9-10
"Where are you, HEART!?!" I quickly realized how loud I expressed my frustration as soon as I looked up and saw everyone in the lobby staring back at me. While waiting for my daughter to finish her doctor's appointment, I picked up a Highlights magazine and went to work locating the lost objects on the Hidden Pictures page.
I pinpointed and circled all the items...all the items, except one. I scanned the picture over and over again with no luck. The longer it remained hidden in plain sight, the more I felt the heart mocking me for being a dummy. The heart morphed into the background, got consumed within the larger, chaotic picture, and, as a result, didn't stand out from the crowd.
As believers in Christ, isn't that what happens to our hearts when we allow the culture to impact us rather than influence the world around us by being different? Our message gets lost in the shuffle and muted amongst the noise. We look no different than anyone else.
Speaking about life change doesn't make sense when we remain a carbon copy of the world. We must stick out, but not in the way most think. It's not about Christian bump stickers, picket signs, listening to K-Love, or throwing in a "thou" or "amen, brother" when speaking to our neighbors.
The Christian life centers on immersion. Rather than reject or disengage from the world around us, we're sent into the world to saturate culture with Christ's love. We look different, not by rallying around what we're against, but uniting together around what we're for - the world. We want to live our lives in such a way that it bends culture towards God's Kingdom. It's from our distinctness that we serve and bless others and rub shoulders with the world.
A transformed heart gets seen through a kind word, an extended hand, acting with integrity, owning up to our shortcomings, and looking for ways to give rather than get. We aim to be this self everywhere, all the time, and with everyone. Distinct, but engaged. Different, but content. Unmistakable, but humble.
Consistent effort, generosity, and humility over time matter and speak volumes. There are opportunities all around us to be the church, many aren't these grand sweeping moments but ordinary occasions to love others. By sharing our lives, we share our story and invite someone else into the much larger story God is telling. When we are full of heart, others catch a glimpse of God's heart for them.
How can you "be different" for Christ today? Why did that area come to mind?
God, when people look at my life, I want them to see You, and You alone. Let what I say and do bring You glory. Let me stand out - not due to my ability, but through compassion, love, and forgiveness. Today, I will be different because You made a difference in my world. In Your name, Jesus. Amen.