Meeting Interrupted
Therefore, since we have a great high priest who has ascended into heaven, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold firmly to the faith we profess. For we do not have a high priest who is unable to empathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are - yet he did not sin. Let us then approach God's throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need. Hebrews 4:14-16
In him and through faith in him we may approach God with freedom and confidence. Ephesians 3:12
As my boss rambled on about projections and sales goals, my stomach growled, and my mind began to wander. It was almost lunchtime, and the all-day conference seemed to have no end in sight. And that's when it happened. The boardroom door swung open, and my youngest daughter, who was a toddler at the time, came waltzing in, yelling, "DADDY!"
She ran to me, hopped in my lap, and proceed to talk a mile a minute about Disney princesses and a beautiful butterfly she saw. My co-workers, along with upper management, were caught entirely off-guard. So was I. Many found her boldness charming, others not so much.
Madison continued to babble on, oblivious to the fact that she interrupted a critical work meeting. That didn't matter to her. Because her daddy resided behind the door, in her mind, as his child, she had every right to enter. Imagine if we exhibited the same type of boldness when it came to our pursuit of our Heavenly Father, especially during those moments of struggle, weakness, and poor choices.
Enduring everything the world could throw His way, Jesus sympathizes with our weakness and struggles. From the time He appeared on the scene in a manger in Bethlehem to hanging on a cross in Golgotha, Jesus experienced what it was like to be human. He understands the circumstances we face and shows compassion, mercy, and grace towards us. Jesus did everything in His power, including laying down His body, to offer help and a different way to experience life.
The power of the Gospel grants us unhindered access to God. His relationship with us is anything but casual. The cross kicked down the barrier and swung open the door to His throne. Nothing we have done or will do can change this reality. We're welcome in His presence.
The only meeting that matters to Him is the one where we show up.
Rather than run and hide, Christ beckons us to come without fear of rejection and shame. He invites us to bring our requests, concerns, and worries to Him. He's got us and, because He entered our mess, He gets us.
What are you going to do with the access you have to God through Christ's sacrifice?
How should this access influence your approach to prayer as well as the way you respond to your struggles?
Father, thank you for pursuing a relationship with me. I often take for granted the access I have to You. May that stop today. I will share my world with You because I know you care. I will run to You in the good times as well as the bad, knowing You're concerned about the condition of my heart. In Your name, Jesus. Amen.