Who Are You Becoming?

Ephesians 4:22-24 

“You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires; to be made new in the attitude of your minds; and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness.”

Philippians 3:13-14 

“Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.”

Your life is a canvas where each stroke reveals not just what you do, but who you're becoming. In the hands of God, this masterpiece unfolds intentionally, step by step, moment by moment. As 2025 begins, remember that transformation isn’t a checklist to complete or a destination to reach. It’s a living, breathing journey. This isn’t about fixing flaws, being a better person, or chasing goals. It’s about reflecting Christ’s character in a way that’s deeply personal and beautifully imperfect. Our lives are meant to reveal grace—through our work, relationships, and everyday moments. We do this by showing up as we are: present, authentic, and open. Reflecting Christ means choosing humility over pride, forgiveness over resentment, and love without strings attached. It’s embracing vulnerability in a world that demands perfection.

All of this gets fleshed out in your actual lived life where you let God shape your heart, not through pressure or performance, but through an ongoing, intimate connection. 2025 is an open landscape, full of possibilities. What if this year was less about control and more about discovery? What if you let God surprise you, reshape you, and grow you in ways you can’t yet imagine? What if your workplace became a place of integrity, your relationships a reflection of grace, and your community a quiet example of Christ’s love—not through dramatic gestures, but in the consistency of a life lived well?

Some seasons will feel like breakthroughs; others may seem still and quiet. But real growth happens in those subtle, often unnoticed shifts—when you listen more deeply, respond more kindly, and extend compassion where it’s needed most. This journey isn’t powered by your effort. It’s God’s patient, loving work in you. He doesn’t demand your perfection; He simply asks for your willingness. Transformation isn’t about doing more—it’s about becoming more. More connected. More compassionate. More like Christ. Your life is already a masterpiece in progress. God’s not waiting for you to get it all together; He’s already shaping something beautiful. Your open heart and willingness to let Him work are all He needs. One moment, one choice, one step at a time, your story continues. And it’s a story worth living.

Now, take some time to articulate who you hope to become in 2025. Think of the questions below as prompts to get you started. Don’t feel the pressure to answer every one, but challenge yourself to think and consider what defines the picture of the person you want to be:

  • Earlier in the personal retreat, we spent time reflecting on who we were in 2024. How would you describe the person you believe God is leading you to become in 2025? 

  • What specific qualities or characteristics does that person possess? In what ways does that person reflect Christ’s heart to the world?

  • What activities, habits, and disciplines does that type of person participate in? How can you engage in these activities in the new year?

After reflecting on these questions, write out a prayer for your future self to serve as a reminder of your desire to reflect Christ's heart in this way.

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Growing Together


2025: Honesty, Dreams, and Surrender