Whatever Gift
“Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers a multitude of sins. Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling. Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in various forms.” 1 Peter 4:8-10
Do you ever wish you were better at hosting, better at sitting with people when they are sad, maybe better at loving on kids, or meeting a middle school student where they are? I love today’s verse because it gives me the freedom to step into using MY gifts.
Several years into my walk with God, I felt this need to get better at caring for people. I loved giving little gifts, inviting people into my home, and I didn’t mind being silly with kids to teach them about God. Those things came naturally but sitting with someone going through an emotionally challenging time was way out of my comfort zone. It wasn’t that I didn’t care about them; it wasn’t that I felt pressure to fix their problem, but it was just something that felt inherently uncomfortable. But, I wanted to be good at it, and I felt like I had to be good at it since I was a Christian, so I signed up for a counseling course.
The course was 10-12 weeks, and it walked us through some tough things and provided practical steps regarding listening and loving people. It was a fantastic course that was clear, informative, practical, and helpful. But every week, I left feeling drained. It affected my sleep, and I honestly think it added even more pressure.
I decided to talk with the leader about my feelings towards the end, and I will never forget her asking me why I wanted to do this. I explained that I felt like it was a good thing and that I should be better at counseling people who were facing hard things. She stopped me and asked why I thought I should be better. “Well….ummmm….because, because I should be. Right?” It was the best response I could come up with at the time. I felt this pressure to fit a specific mold and do this particular thing, but in reality, stepping into counseling wasn’t using the gifts God had given me. Sure, I was trying to love people, but maybe God wired me to love people differently. 1 Peter 4:10 says, “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others.” Of course, I can still listen to someone, but it is okay for my gift not to be counseling.
Sometimes we either feel like we don’t fit the mold of serving in one of a few ways, so we decide to do nothing, OR we step into a role that isn’t using our gifts just because we feel pressure to serve. I think the Bible is clear about loving people and serving, but God created each of us uniquely and has given us different gifts so that together we can impact this world. For me, inviting people into our home or serving with kids has proven to be so much more impactful because that is how God wired me. After taking the course and talking with the leader, I realized that God had given me gifts specific to who I am and called me to use those gifts to serve others. He created me with a purpose, and He has done the same for each of us. It is up to us to step into those gifts to further His kingdom in this world.
What gifts do you feel that God has given you?
What is it that is holding you back from using your gifts?
God, thank you for how You made me and for people who are far more gifted in different areas than me. Help me see how You want to use me and the gifts You have given me to serve others. I pray for confidence to step into those roles and open doors to see where You would like me to be. Amen.
Katie Robinson, Children's Ministry Home Coordinator, wrote today's devotional.