Valuing People
May God himself, the God who makes everything holy and whole, make you holy and whole, put you together—spirit, soul, and body—and keep you fit for the coming of our Master, Jesus Christ. The One who called you is completely dependable. If he said it, he’ll do it! 1 Thessalonians 5:23-24 (MSG)
The Lord is good to those whose hope is in him, to the one who seeks him. Lamentations 3:25 (NIV)
Most people who know me would say that I am a people-person. Over our 36 years of marriage, my husband and I have shortened the gap between our social thresholds. His is higher than it was and mine is a little lower bringing us closer together in our difference. I think it is our differences that have made us so much better together and being together is absolutely one of the things I find great delight in.
I delight in being connected. In being in relationship with God; in relationship with my husband, my children, my children’s friends; in relationship with family, friends, and people. Of course, there are varying degrees of closeness in those relationships. With healthy boundaries, there is something so good about being connected. I find delight in relationships because I see value in people.
And then … there was a collision! A few weeks back, Carson invited us to use this short phrase, “How I see _____; determines how I seek ____.” as a tool in cultivating delight. I collided with my noble delight of valuing people when I considered: do I value all people or just people I like and who like me?
Whew! This challenges me so much! I’ve recently been hurt by a few people. People that I would never have imagined would be the agents of such hurtfulness, pain and division. I had to spend a lot of time thinking my thoughts and choosing to process honestly so that the person I’m becoming might truly be a Christ-honoring reflection of the God I say I love and desire to know more and more.
So as hard as it is, as humbling as it is sure to be, I am choosing to see people, all people, as made in the image of God; loved by God. Even those who have caused me great pain and turmoil. I am choosing to delight in loving people, even people who have hurt me, because with healthy boundaries and with the help of the Holy Spirit, I can love and value people.
“Whole” is my 2023 One Word. It’s impossible to be whole without love. I am learning that my God is He who makes everything holy and whole; He makes me holy and whole, that is He puts me together - spirit, soul & body - my whole being! I have to believe that this is done in accordance with trust and entrust - to trust and obey - to trust and live wholly and freely as one who has been forgiven much and who is called to love as I am loved!
This is delight. I’m learning to see God more for who He really is and receive from Him truths - hard truths - of who He says I am. To seek: inquiring OF Him & FOR Him and to REQUIRE Him by RIGHT of necessity and ON the authority of His holy Word - because He IS good! He is faithful to complete what He has begun. He’s not finished with me yet! It’s an intentional choice to be in a relationship with God first, my husband second, my children third, family fourth, friends fifth and people next.
• Where are you struggling to find delight in your relationships with others? How is the way you see that individual or group of people shaping your response to them?
• What is Jesus revealing to you as you consider delight in your relationship with God?
O God, my God I need You now! Thank you, Abba Father, for the great love that You have lavished upon Your children and such we are! Help us to love one another as You love us. Help us to forgive one another and to not hold grudges. Holy Spirit, come! Help us to trust You and entrust ourselves and one another into Your strong hands of mercy and love! Let it be so in Jesus name, Amen.
Polly Clawson, Equipping Coordinator, wrote today’s devotional.