Time Wins Out
Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom. Psalm 90:12
For you have been born again, not of perishable seed, but of imperishable, through the living and enduring word of God. For, "All people are like grass, and all their glory is like the flowers of the field; the grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of the Lord endures forever." 1 Peter 1:22-25
As I grow older, time seems to speed up rather than slow down. There are moments when I have this out-of-body type experience where I can see life speeding by me in a blur. All my efforts to decelerate its progress or hit pause to catch my breath are futile.
Life continues to churn with little regard to my protests, and a significant milestone is within my view. In a little over a week, my oldest daughter graduates high school. I don't know if my heart and emotions are ready for this change, but it's coming nonetheless.
Holding her in my arms as a newborn feels like it was yesterday. Time is precious, but it is also very fleeting. We all know this, whether we are a parent or not. Our priorities lose out to the squeaky wheel. Life has the uncanny ability to get in the way of what we know deep down is essential. Dreams become un-acted upon hopes that get pushed to the back of our minds.
Procrastination has become our most utilized spiritual gift. Jumping into action gets scheduled for that elusive spot on our calendar labeled "someday." Potential remains untapped. If we do act, we start strong but rarely finish. Rather than making our days count, we're focused on counting down the days to the weekend or our next vacation.
Without intention, time will always win out over the spiritual growth and character change we wish to see in our lives. When we come to grips with time being in short supply, we tend to do more with the time we've been given NOW.
There are no spiritual shortcuts or workaround; instant faith is a myth. Our character is shaped and molded over time. Lasting transformation gets built through every moment we seize. We present God with a heart of wisdom at the end of our life by not taking time for granted.
What if we decided to leave a lasting impact and legacy….one week, one day, one moment at a time?
How does counting your days lead to a heart of wisdom?
God, I want to make my days count. Help me not to squander the limited time I have. May I display the courage to act rather than put things off for another day. Remind me that time is precious and to not take it for granted. May I use the moments I'm given today to help those around me know You, and I love them. In Your name, Jesus. Amen.