The Discerning Heart
How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth!
I gain understanding from your precepts; therefore I hate every wrong path.
Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path. Psalm 119:103-105
The heart of the discerning acquires knowledge, for the ears of the wise seek it out. Proverbs 18:15
When we added Megan, a puppy with black curly hair, to our family, I overlooked one crucial detail: taking her out in the middle of the night. Her dark coat makes her blend into the surroundings, and her boundless energy sends her darting from one side of the yard to the other. Keeping track of her whereabouts is nearly impossible, and panicking over potentially losing her has become routine. Now, I only brave the backyard with my cell phone flashlight on. While it doesn't illuminate the entire yard, it allows me to keep her within view.
This experience reminds me of the journey of faith. Over the years, I've encountered periods where questions outnumbered answers, and adversity overshadowed peace. Looking back, it felt like stumbling in darkness. Difficult circumstances made me doubt my faith and second-guess God's direction. Discerning His movements during these disruptive times left me paralyzed. He felt distant, and I felt unsure.
During those moments, I longed for my circumstances to change. I yearned for direction and guidance, praying for God to flip a switch and illuminate my entire path, making everything crystal clear. At first glance, this prayer might seem noble or even spiritual, but it's quite the opposite. My request reeked of pride and spoke to my innate need for security and control. A more honest translation would have been: "God, shine a light on my situation so I can handle it on my own."
I was praying against God's will for my life. His purpose for me—and for you—is to develop greater faith and deeper dependency. The opposite of faith isn't doubt; it's certainty.
God doesn't hand us a floodlight; He gives us a flashlight that only illuminates our next step. He does this because that's all we truly need. Point F matters very little if we're unwilling to tackle Point A. We often get so hung up on gazing down the road that we lose sight of God's promptings in the here and now. He calls us to walk by faith, encouraging us to exchange our old familiar patterns for His new, unfolding ways.
Do you know how His way is revealed? You guessed it—one step at a time.
What is your next step of faith? Why have you been reluctant to take it as of now?
God, I will step boldly into the future You have for me. I might not know all the details, but I am sure that You are calling me to respond to what's in front of me with faith and obedience. I will trust that You will guide me to places where I can bring You glory and gain a better glimpse of Your heart. In Your name, Jesus. Amen.