The Stronger the Roots…

So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness. Colossians 2:6-7

They will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit. Jeremiah 17:8


It's hard to believe, but this July marks twenty years of calling Wilmington, NC my home. Yes, I'm one of those Yankees who uprooted themselves after falling in love with the sweet tea and laid-back Southern charm. I love everything about living on the coast - everything except hurricane season. Being a northerner, I can handle anything snow-related, but powerful storms, not so much.

Over the years, I've learned to deal with them, but riding out that first big storm was nerve-wracking. It made its presence known in a hurry. The wind howled. The rain came down in sheets. The house shook. The power flickered and soon disappeared. The sound of branches snapping and shingles ripping off lasted all night. I was expecting the place to take off all Wizard of Oz style.

After it passed, I went outside to assess the damage. Surprisingly, we faired pretty well; our neighbors not so much. Trees were down left and right in other yards, but our gumball tree stood firm. It took everything the storm could throw its way, but because of its deep root system, the tree didn't waver.  

Scripture speaks repeatedly about the importance of developing roots - what we anchor our lives to matters. Hollow living leads to shallow roots (Mark 4:5-6). A superficial environment never leads to a flourishing heart. The only thing that springs up is weeds that choke out any signs of life.

When the storms of this world come our way, we get tossed here and there. The slightest instability causes us to tip over. We snap from the pressure. 

Stability can only spring up over time. The stronger the roots, the more robust security we feel. Being planted in Christ's love anchors us into a sustainable source. Remaining there gives us room to grow. Deep roots require intention and focus. But the care and effort are worth it. God promises that we will find ourselves anchored in place if we dare to dig deep roots. 

Staying connected to Christ enables us to continue to grow year after year. The winds can come. The rain can pour or even stop altogether. In season or out of season, it doesn't matter. Our roots can find nourishment in any condition, leading to the new thing God is doing inside our hearts. 


  • When it comes to experiencing stability, where do you need to grow your roots in Christ's love? 

  • How would you describe the environment of your heart right now?


God, in a continually changing world, You provide me with security. Let my heart be rooted in You. May I remain planted where You have me. No matter what comes my way, help me to remember that I have nothing to fear. In Your name, Jesus. Amen.

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