Standstill Traffic

The true light that gives light to everyone was coming into the world.  He was in the world, and though the world was made through him, the world did not recognize him. He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him. Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God - children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband’s will, but born of God. The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth. John 1:9-14


I’m not a fan of driving in general, but I despise traveling back to my hometown. As much as I adore my extended family, I do everything in my power to avoid getting behind the wheel and jumping on I-95. When a trip to Maryland is inevitable, I dream of a smooth journey with nothing but open roads. Instead, what I always encounter is gridlock, especially around Fredericksburg, Virginia (for some strange reason). 

As I sit in standstill traffic and mutter under my breath, I find myself wondering if the delay is construction-related or due to a fender bender. More often than not, it’s a construction zone that is the culprit, but there have been occasions when what I see as I pass by is a gruesome accident that is almost too surreal to believe. Mangled metal lies littered all across the road while another car remains flipped over on the median. My initial reaction is to shut my eyes, but I can’t help but look. There is just something about a collision that grips us and grabs our attention. 

We don’t know what to do when circumstances alter someone’s world and shake it to its core. Yet, we are all bound to experience a collision that will turn our world upside down. Like the accident on the highway, it is a matter of life and death - an encounter that alters our reality and how we perceive the world. It’s a collision between what we thought life was and what it is. But, rather than hiding our failures, we can see the beauty in our brokenness because we realize we are no longer the person picking up the pieces. 

A collision took place when God entered the messiness of humanity through the birth of Jesus Christ. He came to dwell among us and bring us life. The world witnessed grace, mercy, love, and true forgiveness in ways never before seen from the moment of impact. We saw the peak of this example years later on a cross. Rather than leaving us in a thousand different pieces, this encounter with Christ opened up a way to heal our brokenness.

The beauty of this collision resides in an invitation to live a life filled with freedom and hope. When we collide with Christ, we can find the very fullness of life our heart desires. The truth is when we see Him, we see ourselves in a new light, yet the impact depends on what we do with the disruption His arrival caused. 

Many of us do not know what to do with Jesus, so we often seek to redefine Him. But, we cannot redefine the essence of grace. It stands the test of time. Grace is a gift that can only be received, not earned. Grace is volatile yet stable. It is the most solid thing in the universe but can evaporate instantly depending on our response to the encounter. When we collide with grace, we come face to face with forgiveness extended. The impact of this collision depends on how we respond to grace. If we run to it with open arms, our lives will never be the same. 


  • When do you remember your story colliding with God’s story? How did this encounter shape and influence the person you are now?


God, You have brought light into the world and light into my life. I will allow You to enlighten my heart and expose my sin, to be drawn to You as Your child. Your arrival has given me this right. I place my faith in this reality. Help me be a giver of Your light and offer Your peace to those around me. In Your name, Jesus. Amen.

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