May Be One

To reflect God’s heart to the world around us, we need to know God’s heart and, we believe, God’s heart is most clearly represented in Jesus. In the weeks leading up to Easter, we invite you to explore the life of Jesus by reading the Gospel of John with us. As we delve into the richness of scripture, we’ll utilize the ancient practice of Lectio Divina, which invites us to slow down and posture our hearts to hear from God. With that said, let’s begin with a prayer.

Open your time by reciting these words:

Lord, as I approach scripture, prepare my heart to encounter You in its pages. Quiet the distractions that pull me away and open my eyes to see Your truth. May I encounter these words humbly, with an open mind and a receptive spirit. May my time in Scripture be a sacred encounter that deepens my relationship with You and transforms me into the image of Your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.

Lectio (Reading)

Take a moment to read John 17:20-26 slowly and attentively. As you read, pay attention to any words or phrases that stand out to you. Allow the text to wash over you, inviting the Holy Spirit to speak to your heart.

“My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me.” John 17:20-21

Meditatio (Meditation)

Jesus understood how simple, yet at the same time incredibly complicated, our connections with others can be. Nevertheless, the oneness of believers was such a priority to Jesus that it served as the topic of His most extended prayer. Scholars often refer to John 17 as the Farewell Prayer, as it sits between Jesus' final instructions to His disciples and the events that transpired leading to the cross. 

Although knowing He would be leaving soon, His concern centers on the people who would carry on His message. Jesus prays for the future church and us as believers. He desires for us to be ONE, and that unity, togetherness, and love would be our defining markers. How we treat, care for, and love each other sends a message to the outside world. Our redemptive relationships should cause those around us to take notice. If this is the case, we must get gut-level honest about our relationships and our job regarding living together.

Take a moment to consider what you just read. Consider how Jesus' prayer for unity extends to us today, despite the passage of time. Contemplate the depth of Jesus' desire for unity, not only among his disciples but for all who would come to believe in him through their message.

Contemplatio (Contemplation)

Unity isn't some lofty, unattainable goal. It's a practical, tangible expression of love in action. Mutual concern makes love visible and sets it in motion. As we navigate the challenges of our diverse and divided world, let us remember that we are called to cultivate a shared purpose that transcends our differences. Through love, understanding, and grace, we can build communities where the transformative power of Christ's love is evident to all. In doing so, we become a living testimony to the unity and love our world desperately needs.

The way the Gospel gets fleshed out in our social circles is how the Gospel gets experienced - not only by us but also by a world desperate to experience a genuine and safe connection. As believers in Christ, how we connect with, invest in, and care for others should cause those around us to take notice.  When we make room for each other's faults, exhibit empathy, love humbly, and forgive each other just as God has forgiven us, the impact of an encounter with Christ becomes visible. By pursuing our connections in a way that honors Him, God moves through us. Our imperfect yet redemptive relationships become a powerful force that bends the world toward the ways of God's Kingdom. 

Take a moment to contemplate the impact of unity on the church’s witness to the world. What does it mean for the church to be united in love, just as Jesus prayed? How can this unity become a tangible reality in your communities and relationships?

Actio (Action)

The idea of unity sounds appealing, but in reality, we often struggle to live it out. We like the concept of togetherness, but we're not so keen on the practical implications of actually living together. It's easy to talk about being united, but when it comes down to it, dealing with diverse perspectives and opinions can be challenging. Why is that? Perhaps because true unity isn't just about sentimentality. It requires us to embrace discomfort, confront our biases, and extend grace to those who think differently. It means putting aside our own desires for the greater good and prioritizing connection over convenience.

But despite the challenges, the benefits of unity are worth it. In building relationships and communities where differences are acknowledged and respected, we find a depth of experience and richness that goes beyond what any individual could achieve alone. So instead of shying away from the difficulties, let's face them head-on with courage and humility, knowing that true unity lies in our willingness to engage with one another, even when it's hard.

Take a moment to ponder where you like the concept of unity in practicality but struggle to pursue it purposefully. Consider how you can live out this unity in practical ways, reflecting the love of God to a broken and divided world.

Oratio (Prayer)

Close your time by reciting this prayer or lifting up your own:

Dear God, help me to move beyond mere admiration of unity and into the messy work of living it out. Grant me the courage to confront my biases, the humility to extend grace to those who differ from me, and the perseverance to prioritize connection over convenience. Guide me in building communities where diversity is celebrated and respected, and where the richness of our differences contributes to a deeper, more meaningful experience of togetherness. Amen.

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