In Firm Control

To reflect God’s heart to the world around us, we need to know God’s heart and, we believe, God’s heart is most clearly represented in Jesus. In the weeks leading up to Easter, we invite you to explore the life of Jesus by reading the Gospel of John with us. As we delve into the richness of scripture, we’ll utilize the ancient practice of Lectio Divina, which invites us to slow down and posture our hearts to hear from God. With that said, let’s begin with a prayer.

Open your time by reciting these words:

Lord, as I approach scripture, prepare my heart to encounter You in its pages. Quiet the distractions that pull me away and open my eyes to see Your truth. May I encounter these words humbly, with an open mind and a receptive spirit. May my time in Scripture be a sacred encounter that deepens my relationship with You and transforms me into the image of Your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.

Lectio (Reading)

Take a moment to read John 18:1-11 slowly and attentively. As you read, pay attention to any words or phrases that stand out to you. Allow the text to wash over you, inviting the Holy Spirit to speak to your heart.

Jesus commanded Peter, “Put your sword away! Shall I not drink the cup the Father has given me?” John 18:11

Meditatio (Meditation)

In John 18, the turbulence of Holy Week erupts, marking another turning point in the narrative. Throughout the Gospel of John, the tension has been steadily mounting, all leading to this pivotal moment. Uncertain how to deal with Jesus, different factions take matters into their own hands. The Jewish leaders feared the threat posed by Jesus' growing popularity, which could undermine their religious authority. Meanwhile, the Romans worry about potential insurrection from this Jewish teacher. Perceiving danger, Peter, who had faithfully followed Jesus for three years, reacts first with aggression, then retreats and denies Him. 

While everyone and everything around Him unravels, Jesus remains remarkably composed. Despite knowing the imminent trials awaiting Him, He exudes a profound sense of peace. Nothing takes Him by surprise; He foresaw every twist and turn, understanding that His mission on Earth ultimately leads to the cross (John 10:17-18). 

John is deliberate in portraying Jesus as anything but a victim or a passive bystander. He emphasizes that Jesus is firmly in control of the unfolding events. This is evident in Jesus' composed response to the approaching guards, echoing the subtle hints of His foreknowledge scattered throughout John's Gospel (John 7:6, 8:28, 17:1). Jesus knew beforehand that Judas would betray Him (John 6:70-71) and that Peter would deny Him (John 13:38). Amid the chaos, there is divine order; God's plan unfolds, offering us reassurance and comfort.

Take a moment to consider what you just read. Notice the details—the setting in the garden, the presence of Judas and the soldiers, and Jesus' response to the unfolding events. Reflect on Jesus' profound sense of peace amidst the chaos. Despite knowing the betrayal that awaited Him, He willingly surrendered Himself to fulfill God's plan.

Contemplatio (Contemplation)

Our perception of Jesus significantly shapes how we act and speak, often more than we acknowledge. It's remarkable how our understanding of him can impact our responses to life's challenges. When we grasp a clear picture of who God is, it equips us to face any difficulty with optimism and assurance. In every situation, there's a glimmer of hope. Even when things seem bleak, it's essential to realize that despair isn't the only option. God assures us that he's overseeing everything, urging us to surrender our desires to his plan. By aligning our will with his, we find strength and purpose. This surrender doesn't mean giving up but rather entrusting our lives to a higher power that knows what's best for us. In this way, we navigate life's twists and turns with resilience and faith.

Take a moment to share your thoughts, questions, and feelings with Him. Offer your concerns and anxieties. Ask for the peace that Jesus exemplified amidst turmoil to fill your heart and mind.

Actio (Action)

At the core of everything lies belief. It's about whether you genuinely hold the belief that God not only comprehends your future plans but also wields control over them, all with your best interests in mind. Do you trust that while you might be caught off guard by your current circumstances, God isn't? Can you have faith in God's ability to take those circumstances—be they painful, confusing, or riddled with mistakes and sin—and mold them into tools for shaping your character and magnifying His glory? It's a matter of faith in God's providence and transformative power.

Take a moment to meditate on how God is actively working in your life, even during challenging times. Use this opportunity to surrender your worries and fears to Him, trusting that He is in control. 

Oratio (Prayer)

Close your time by reciting this prayer or lifting up your own:

Jesus, just like you remained composed in the face of uncertainty and betrayal, grant me the same sense of peace and assurance in my life. Help me to trust in Your plan, knowing that You are in control of every twist and turn we encounter. In moments of doubt and fear, may I find solace in the knowledge that You see the bigger picture and have my best interests at heart. Give me the strength to surrender my will to Yours, trusting that You can transform even the most challenging circumstances into opportunities for growth. Help me to walk in faith, knowing that You are with me every step of the way. In Your name, Jesus. Amen.

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