Made Available

"And we all, with unveiled face, beholding the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another. For this comes from the Lord who is the Spirit." 
2 Corinthians 3:18

"And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him." Colossians 3:17


Have you ever stopped to think that God is present in every single aspect of our lives? From the major decisions that alter the course of our journey, to the little mundane routines of each day - it all holds significance in His Kingdom.

When we take a moment to pay closer attention, we realize that living out our faith isn't confined to these grand, dramatic gestures. It's about a thousand tiny choices and actions - how we treat our neighbors, the patience we muster, the kindness we extend. We all struggle with our faith journey at times and need support in remaining faithful. We've been rescued by grace, and now we're learning how to live this new life with God.

The ultimate goal of the Christian life is to be transformed into the likeness of Jesus Himself. This process of formation involves gradually becoming more and more like Him in our thoughts, words, and deeds. God's got the heavy lifting covered - our part is to walk alongside Him, responsive to the gentle promptings of His Spirit, one step at a time. Our desire is to posture our lives in a way that makes us available and ready for the Holy Spirit's transforming work in us.

God's presence is all around us and He reveals Himself even in the seemingly insignificant workings of our ordinary routines. That's why we need purposeful rhythms and habits to train our hearts and minds to notice Him at work in our lives. By intentionally orienting ourselves in that direction, we can see and seek Jesus in all things.

As we begin to see God at work, we also begin to see what we can make available to God. This becomes woven into the very activities and cadences of our daily living and requires utter dependence on Him. This type of formation reveals that sacrifice isn’t really about what we give up, but about who we are becoming–a journey of self-discovery that is never complete on this side of eternity.

Our purpose is more tightly bound to who we are becoming than what we achieve. The things we do are meant to be expressions flowing out of our identity in Christ. Keeping Jesus at the center of absolutely everything is crucial, because anything that matters to God must also matter to us.

Practice isn't about perfection; it's about ordering our lives around Jesus. Living in God's Kingdom operates by the principle of trust, beginning with learning to trust Him with everything and in everything. Our lives radiate outwards from our center, so we need to take responsibility for the people we are becoming as we steward what has been entrusted to us. That means making ALL of who we are available to Him, leveraging our time purposefully, and realizing that the sacrifice He calls us to happens right here in our actual lived lives.


  • Think about your current rhythms and routines. In what ways are they helping you live with a posture of availability and surrender to God? In what ways are they hindering that?

  • How can you become more aware of God's presence in the routine moments and activities of your daily life? What practices or habits could help reorient your mind to notice Him more?

Further Practice

If you are interested in furthering today’s practice, pay extra close attention to some of the most mundane daily routines like making your bed, washing dishes, or your morning commute. Use these as opportunities to become aware of God's presence in the ordinary and to invite Him into those spaces.


Heavenly Father, help us to recognize Your presence in every moment and situation of our lives. May we live with a posture of availability, trusting You as we go about our daily routines. Guide us to order our lives in a way that keeps You at the center, allowing Your Spirit to transform us into the likeness of Your Son. We surrender all that we are and all that we do to Your loving purposes. Amen.

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