First Steps

Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already arrived at my goal, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. Philippians 3:12-14


Imagine the first steps of a child. They are a delicate dance between uncertainty and determination, a beautiful display of vulnerable courage. Each movement is tentative and unsteady, like a fledgling bird testing its wings.

The child's hands grip tightly onto their parents' fingers, small yet full of trust. There's a profound connection in this touch—a silent display of reassurance, safety, and faith. The child isn’t walking to prove anything to themselves or for the applause of others. They simply trust that their parents are there, providing the support and stability needed for this new adventure. 

Even though their wobbly legs might be quivering and shaky, their eyes are wide with wonder and anticipation. No one expects them to miraculously go from crawling to walking in an instant; there will be plenty of falls, stumbles, and bumps along the way. A sense of discovery accompanies every tiny stride, as if the whole world is unfolding before them with each step. 

Faith works much the same way. Our walk with Him isn’t about showing how strong or capable we are, but leaning into His grace and letting that grace empower each step we take. Walking with God is less about the destination and more about the journey before us. We’re not going to get everything right or have it all together, yet we can trust that His forgiveness is there to catch us along the way, including those moments when we stumble and fall. It's about taking one step at a time, knowing that each step is a miracle. 

Faith isn’t a one-time decision or something we merely check off as complete, but a continuous, dynamic journey filled with a lifetime of choices, both big and small. At Port City, we say that faith is trust that is able to take a step.  

In this journey, we're learning to acclimate to a new way of life. Just as we would adjust to a new climate or culture, we need to acclimate to the rhythms of a life with God - a process of learning to trust the foundation He provides, even when it feels unfamiliar. The beauty of a walk is that it is made up of individual steps, each one building on the last, each one bringing us closer to Him.

A walk with God is the movement of our faith; a daily decision to say yes to Him, to lean in and listen, to observe and obey. It’s not about proving our worth or capability but acknowledging that we can’t do it without His grace. Every step is an act of dependence on Him.

This journey requires long obedience in the same direction - showing up, day after day, even when it’s hard, even when we don’t feel like it. Our walks with God unfold gradually, revealing more of His character and our own hearts. Slow, steady progress over time transforms us from the inside out.

Like any relationship, our walk with God demands intentionality. It’s about being present, making time for Him, and communicating openly. Developing natural rhythms and spiritual disciplines are essential. These rhythms—prayer, reading Scripture, worship—are like stepping stones that guide us on our path. They help shape our perspective, transform our hearts, and anchor us in His love as we pay attention to God in everything we do.

Jesus invited His disciples to be with Him, to walk alongside Him, and to learn from Him. He calls us to do the same. Walking with Him shows itself in a humble posture of listening, learning, observing, obedience, and imitation. So, let's embrace the journey. Let’s take each step in faith, knowing that we’re not alone. Let's develop rhythms that keep us close to Him and be willing to take the next step, and the next, trusting that He is guiding us every step of the way. Our walk with God is a beautiful, unfolding story of faith, trust, and grace. 


  • Take a moment to reflect on the following statement: Faith is trust that is able to take a step.  What does this statement mean to you personally? How have the small steps of faith you've taken over time contributed to your overall spiritual growth?

  • Looking ahead, what is one step of faith you feel called to take? What are some obstacles or hesitations that make it difficult for you to step out in obedience? How can you overcome these challenges?

Further Practice

If you are interested in furthering today’s practice, keep a journal this week where you write down one small step of faith you take each day. Reflect on how you felt before, during, and after taking that step. At the end of the week, review your entries and look for any patterns or insights on where Christ is transforming your heart and character. Pause to celebrate each step, no matter how small, as a way you experience God’s grace. 


Heavenly Father, with each step of faith we take, help us to embrace the journey with childlike trust and wonder. Guide us with Your steady hand, providing the grace and support we need to navigate each unsteady and imperfect stride. Teach us to lean into Your presence, to cultivate rhythms that draw us closer to You, and to find joy as we continue to discover the depths of Your love. May our walk with You speak to the beauty of dependence and the transformative power of Your grace. Amen.

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