Leveraging The Hard Stuff

"But he said to me, 'My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.' Therefore, I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me." 2 Corinthians 12:9 (NIV)


Leveraging the hard stuff is not merely enduring it; it's about embracing it. We tend to run from our struggles, seeking refuge in distractions or denial. But when we face them head-on, when we find the courage to name our sufferings and share our failings, something transformative occurs. It's in the raw honesty of exposing our wounds that healing begins to take place, and hope springs up like a well in the desert. The profound ability to leverage our hardships, failings, and weaknesses not only to draw us closer to God but also to make a lasting impact for the Kingdom of God.

Society conditions us to believe that strength lies in the façade of invulnerability. We wear armor, portraying an image of unshakeable fortitude, fearing that any chink in our defenses may be perceived as weakness. Yet, it's precisely in the moments when our armor cracks, when we drop our guard and expose our true selves, that the most profound impact occurs.

Our connections with one another are forged through vulnerability. It's the shared experiences of pain, struggle, and failure that bind us together in a way that strength and success never can. And in this vulnerability, a beautiful exchange takes place—we not only connect with one another but also find a deeper connection with God.

Acknowledging our weaknesses is an act of humility, a recognition that we are not self-sufficient but in constant need of God's grace. When we open ourselves to the reality of our brokenness, God's transformative power begins to work within our hearts. It's through the admission of our struggles that we create space for God to manifest His strength in our weaknesses.

In our weaknesses, we discover a strength beyond our own. As we share our stories of hardship and failure, may we find the courage to let go of the armor that hinders genuine connection. In this vulnerability, may our lives become a testament to the redemptive power of God, making a Kingdom impact that transcends our human understanding.


  • Reflect on a time when you felt the pressure to present yourself as strong and invulnerable. How did that affect your relationships, both with others and with God?

  • In what ways can embracing vulnerability and acknowledging weaknesses lead to a deeper connection with God and others? Share a personal experience or insight.


Dear Heavenly Father, we come before you with open hearts, acknowledging our weaknesses and brokenness. In the midst of our struggles, help us find the courage to embrace vulnerability, knowing that it is through our weaknesses that your power is made perfect. May we boast not in our strength but in your grace, recognizing that your transformative work happens when we humbly surrender our shortcomings to you. Guide us in genuine connections with one another and deepen our relationship with you as we navigate the paradox of strength in weakness. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.

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